Where to buy caps

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36 Cal.
Dec 17, 2010
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looking to buy bulk #11 caps. Where would I buy them online. Can't find any within a 3hr drive. Lots of powder, running low on caps. I like CCI 11 mag caps
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Contact Jackie at Back Creek Gun Shop. He has caps in stock at all times, knows shipping regs., good price on powder too. He can ship both and is a great person to deal with. The major powder & cap supplier for the N-SSA.
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In Eastern Washington here, I have been on the look out for CCI #11 Magnum percussion caps for some months. I have not found any.
Seems CCI has not made a run of these for a while now.
I have seen CCI #11 regular, Remington #11 and RWS #1075 (#11's).

I would call Powder Inc. and ask what they had and get a price including the hazmat shipping fee for an order of 1000 if they had them.
Sometimes you just have to be lucky. I've been looking for caps for a while to no avail. Stopped in at a small gun shop this morning and scored some #10 caps. They don't do much with BP stuff so most people wouldn't look there. That will keep my C&Bs going for a bit. (Yeah, I'm sorta boasting.)

Another reason to have flintlocks available. :grin:

Yep ,so true, luck is part of the game. Last summer when I was having trouble finding caps I was driving past a hardware store in a small Amish town thinking they might have some left over from primitive weapons season I stopped in and found they had several thousand caps on the shelf. I bought a thousand and gave my nephew a call and he bought 500. This left two thousand for the next guys. Same thing with 22's, I check the local Wally World every time I am there and about once a year I find some. Last week they had two bricks on the shelf, I bought one and the clerk said I was allowed to get three, but I told her I would leave some for the next guy since I don't shoot that many coon and ground hogs. :idunno: :idunno:
The Gander Mountain store in my town has a lot of No. 10 and 11 Remington caps for sale. It also has .22s for sale all the time, I quit buying sporting goods from Wally World a long time ago.
Here in central PA most gunshops carried caps, flint etc. About three years ago I noticed black powder stuff was disappearing. Can't even get a pack of 50 caliber round balls anymore.