Wad Lube Test

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58 Cal.
Oct 2, 2011
Reaction score
Lakeway, TX
So I’ve always ever made and used Gatofeo’s #1 lube. Mutton tallow is getting harder to find and more expensive so I’ve been looking at what others use that are inexpensive and easily sourced.

So far I have what I need to test the ugly cat against 50/50 beeswax and cheap animal shortening, and a castor oil/rubbing alcohol mix. I’m skeptical of that one as I don’t see how it won’t contaminate the powder that contacts the was once pressed in. It’s not like I’d really be able to tell that my 32.5 grn charge is firing more like 30.

I figured I’d fire 4 cylinders and run a patch, both sides, and compare that. To be a more fair and accurate test it seems I should fire 4 cylinders prior to keeping track so none started with a pristine barrel. Just the swab of that patch maybe followed by a patch with Ballistol to get it close to clean. What’s a good way to keep this fair without taking my time to clean it up continually?

Another thing I’ve been pondering is how the Uglycat lube uses a lot of paraffin wax along with tallow and beeswax, whereas another’s recipe was just shortening and beeswax. What does the paraffin add that’s it’s used in Gatofeo’s original lube recipe?

Truly I prefer a wad lube that also makes a great bullet lube, and I know Gatofeo’s has worked great for me.

And the castor oil wads make me wonder why I shouldn’t see about using Ballistol, it’s of a similar consistency. Anyone try that?
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