Re-boring a Pedersoli Scout .45 to .50

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Feb 19, 2019
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I recently picked up a used Pedersoli Scout in .45 on a good deal. I like how short and handy it feels & think it will be a perfect backpacking rifle for my backcountry ML hunts.

However, I'm mostly a round ball shooter/hunter and my other rifles are all .50s. So I'm thinking about having it re-bored to .50 to keep everything the same. Plus, I'd be able to redo the twist to something more roundball friendly, like 1:66 instead of the 1:48 it comes with. The barrel measures right around 13/16" or 0.82" when measured across the outer diameter of the octagon. Pedersoli makes the same rifle in .50 so I'm assuming that this is possible. But is that a safe assumption? Does anybody know if a barrel of this size can be safely widened out to .50? Or is it probably stuck as a .45?

And just to head off any ideas about a .45 being perfectly adequate for hunting deer, I don't doubt that at all. But our balls have to be lead free here. So casting my own Bi alloy in .440 would only weigh around 100 grains -- kind of light, I'd say. I could go conical but, again, I much prefer to keep it to round ball & have all my rifles match.
I have a 50 cal. TVM Virginia that Jack Garner built for me in the 80's. It has a 13/16" barrel on it so it is entirely possible. However, I have spoken to Bobby Hoyt about opening the same diameter barrel from .40 to.50 and he stated that he would not do it.
I used some .452 Lee castings in a tc 45 cal. Good results but did size to .451.
Thanks. I'm guessing you used soft (pure) lead? I started a new thread in the hunting forum regarding hard cast lead. Long story -- whatever I cast will have to be workable with hard cast as it will eventually be a bismuth alloy bullet.

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