North South Skirmish Association 2022 Fall Nationals. If you're never been to a N-SSA National, you are missing out on more muzzleloading stuff than you could shake a ramrod at. The weather was crisp in the morning and the smoke filled the valley more than once. We shot in every event except Mortars. While we didn't win anything, we didn't totally embarrass ourselves either. We were in the top third of each small arm and in the bottom third in Rifled Howitzers. On the way out, a stop at Back Creek Gun Shop is always in order to pick up another case of the holy black and another 4k caps before getting on the I-81 International Speedway and Demolition Derby. So a few shots of the Palmetto Sharpshooters point of view-
Sunday musket match and the Fog of War pays yet another visit to Ft Shenandoah. This is Position 18 looking down towards Position 65
My son and myself getting ready to start the Smoothbore match. I'm shooting an 1842 Macon 69cal and he's shooting an original 1835 Potsdam 71cal.
Time keeping and scoring are important but Safety is paramount. Here my son is checking each competitor before calling the line safe and position cold. I'm waiting for him to clear the team commander before we confer on the scoring.
Since he flew in from Kansas, he needed some trigger time to get acquainted with the arms we'd be competing with. Here we're on Position 46 working through the simulated 50yd targets.
Another view looking back down to Position 1 during the 1st Relay of the Musket Match.
Sunday musket match and the Fog of War pays yet another visit to Ft Shenandoah. This is Position 18 looking down towards Position 65
My son and myself getting ready to start the Smoothbore match. I'm shooting an 1842 Macon 69cal and he's shooting an original 1835 Potsdam 71cal.
Time keeping and scoring are important but Safety is paramount. Here my son is checking each competitor before calling the line safe and position cold. I'm waiting for him to clear the team commander before we confer on the scoring.
Since he flew in from Kansas, he needed some trigger time to get acquainted with the arms we'd be competing with. Here we're on Position 46 working through the simulated 50yd targets.
Another view looking back down to Position 1 during the 1st Relay of the Musket Match.