Michigan Muzzleloader season any weapon goes.

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an idea..

short gun season.

Longer bow season..

Split the bow.. regular bow season Cross bow season. Gun at the end.

What would that do?..

There's no need for a long gun season really..

The bow seem to attract more non res anyway I think.. if it's good bow hunting yea we travel.

There are allot of people. Sitting in there woods every year that never shot a deer with there bow.
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The last two weeks make gun..

It will be crazy. Everyone's going to shoot both buck and doe..

It will cause private land hunters to open fire with everyone else.. because they won't have time to baby these deer.

There deer won't be safe in either direction. So it will stir the deer around for 2 weeks.

I say two weeks.. but it's probably the first three days and done everyone will be done.
I keep looking at this season line up..

It makes no sense what they do..

Why is it cut up funny.

Just example. why start with early anterless gun.

Is cut up all funny.. it's stupid and confusing kinda I think.

This looks nice..

Bow season long. Sept. Threw November into December.

Muzzloader before gun
Muzzloader after gun.

Something like. Couple weeks muzzloader. 3day gun. couple weeks muzzloader.

And done. What else would you want.
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Bow is going to be gold..

The last two weeks of October to the end of Nov.. that's what you want to be Bow hunting. That's golden for a season.
I've hunted muzzloader before gun state.

I've hunted muzzloader after gun states

Id want both... granted I'd hunt muzzloader the whole time..

The citys only needs 3 days gun to party.. that's what they do.
I think.. you get groups.

bow wanting Nov rut. Oct rut

Guys that get out before gun with muzzloader.

Hunters with gun. Party mostly there and gone. 3 days is done your all back to work.

Then anyone trying till the end with muzzloader..
First week Dec muzzloader.

3 day gun.

Muzzleloader into January. You get some days off around the new year. Late season hunters.
So you're saying that I, within spitting distance of Ohio, can use my AR-10 chambered in 6.5 CM for deer season?

Actually don't the rules also vary between the upper and lower half of the LP? I seem to recall, way back we could use BP ML, Bow and shotguns with slugs. And nothing else resembling a long gun.

It's been over 50 years since I've hunted deer in this state so I haven't educated myself on the current rules. I will say the last deer I took was one of those antlered dogs in Florida. I used my .54 cal TC Renegade. A 20 yard shot and it soured me on hunting for a long time. Did do a boar hunt in Morocco though. Took a lot of .223 to bring him down.
Only straight wall casing. Maybe 45-100 black powder load.
The DNR is pretty useless these days. Mi combined the DNR with I think the environmental services department. My thought is so they can siphon funds from the licenses and the trust fund for royalties due the DNR from oil and gas wells.
What about gun private land before gun public land.

Push these deer that way
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We can now hunt antlerless deer for 93 days. I think your allowed 20 does if you pay the $5 license per doe fee

When I was going the cost for that doe was over 100..

I am thinking 2 weeks bow hunting somewhere there next year... I'm thinking that every year I want to go. I haven't been since 2014

I'm happy with 2 doe and then hunting for a 6pt or better.

Only problem is.. im alone for the ride. I don't know anyone who would go..
I paid 2000 for a new bow.. it's nice.

I don't know if my friend would go if he had a crossbow. He could get a deer from a ground blind with that maybe..

My friend is on the big side.. so there no hiding him easy or getting him into a tree.

You know the property across from me was..

I think Florida hunters..They were kinda nasty.

They left deer on the river Bank for me to watch rot away.

I found blood all around my spot there.

They were screaming at me to not even think about shooting across the river one morning..

I had a deer crossings right there. They crossed the river on either side of me.. it was a nice spot. I didn't need to shoot across the river. After they dumped deer on the bank and left.. then I saw no more deer cross.
Hmm you know..

It sucks to have no wardens..

I called them ounce. He told me sorry that it's just him. He said if he's not there by 1030pm he's not going to make it.

The guys Lapeer were calling the game warden about.. guts piles all over there camp. In the fire pit etc.. guy down the street. He would leave his guts there and an empty box of cigars on them all.. they called a few times and got no where. They even asked me to call so that maybe if there's more calls that someone will come stop that..
we have great wardens it’s the people in the offices making poor decisions.
I was camped out.

Listing to gun shots all night all around kinda. Just opening night..

I've never heard that go on before either.
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