Long barrel Remington New Army C&B w/ detachable shoulder stock

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32 Cal.
Mar 4, 2013
Reaction score

Bet you thought this would be a 12" revolver. Nope: 24"! I had not previously seem this combo before so when I popped up for sale, I grabbed it. Didn't even know that detachable shoulder stocks for Remington New Armies were available. But on a 24" revolver? Still has just the basic rear notch in the hammer rather than a rifle sight as installed on the fixed-stock carbines. Not surprisingly, the revolver without the stock is quite unwieldy.

It was sold as a Pietta, but it doesn't say that on it. Has "PN" stamps and a boxed AH proof date code (1981?)

Anyone ever seen one like this before? Should be...interesting to shoot.

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I had one briefly, had an 18 inch barrel that was not installed properly. Fixed the problem and promptly sold it... hate getting sprayed with cap fragments.
Mine was an excellent shooter, very accurate with a light load. Anything heavier, the back blast was too much.
The Appomattox Courthouse museum has an original Remington pistol with detachable shoulder stock. Only original Remington in that configuration I've ever seen.
Quite the gun and you need to keep fingers back from the chambers, ie not anywhere near the front of them let alone on the barrel.

I was looking at a Replica pretty hard but decided it was not for me.

Now if I cam across one like that? Katy bar the door. Well done.

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