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Nov 11, 2018
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South Texas
I was going to post this on last year's garden thread but you know there's going to be a new gardening thread for 2025? So we may as well start it now. I realize it's early yet and South Texas is expecting a cold spell next week but I got out and tilled up one of my wife's smaller Flower Beds today. (It was done by hand). It's going to be my "starter garden" for tomato seeds.The ground is still cold and I usually wait till Febuary to start the seeds. But I want to get a early start. Before everyone thinks I'm crazy, I'm not planting yet,that's a few weeks away yet.I'm just getting the soil ready. Turning it black should help it absorb some solar heat. It's on the south side of my garage.If I wait too long things turn too hot down here in May and June. See y'all in a few weeks.
Carol said there'd be no more flower beds. So she gave me hers to use as my "little garden". I plan on using it for starting seeds in.


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Got to put in a gate and repair the deer fence around the garden spot. Figure out this years' rotation. And trim back the grapevines and build some trellises. Assemble that double barrel composter still sitting in the garage. Remove a couple of box planters. Rig some deer barriers around the trellis that goes up a bird house pole. And put in the new water connections post in the center of the garden after I expanded the fenced in footprint last year. And I don't know right now what else but the better 2/3's has got about eighty feet of flower garden that I help her with. Fifty-three feet of it is enclosed, which reminds me that the swing way for her garden gate needs to be dug out and concreted. Want to put in a different bird feeder set up too because the new cat is going to be an unholy terror for the birds unless they have plenty of open leeway to see him coming. We have fun, keep busy and pretty much do what we want.
The garden plot will be put on hold temporarily, We are expecting a freeze for the next few nights. And I got cataract surgery scheduled for Wednesday. But I got a hunch it will be postponed due to the weather. Priorities, you know.
The garden plot will be put on hold temporarily, We are expecting a freeze for the next few nights. And I got cataract surgery scheduled for Wednesday. But I got a hunch it will be postponed due to the weather. Priorities, you know.
Best wishes on your cataract surgery. Had both eyes upgraded second half of '24. They're not like I was twenty again but by golly I'll take what I can get.
I was going to post this on last year's garden thread but you know there's going to be a new gardening thread for 2025? So we may as well start it now. I realize it's early yet and South Texas is expecting a cold spell next week but I got out and tilled up one of my wife's smaller Flower Beds today. (It was done by hand). It's going to be my "starter garden" for tomato seeds.The ground is still cold and I usually wait till Febuary to start the seeds. But I want to get a early start. Before everyone thinks I'm crazy, I'm not planting yet,that's a few weeks away yet.I'm just getting the soil ready. Turning it black should help it absorb some solar heat. It's on the south side of my garage.If I wait too long things turn too hot down here in May and June. See y'all in a few weeks.

I'm at least 90 days out...,

BUT the seed catalogs have arrived AND, there are veggie seeds for sale in the hardware store!!

(Actually I think that's getting to be as "bad" as the fact that there is Easter Candy in my supermarket and it's not even month where we find Valentine's Day yet)

Looking at some bush beans, and some zucchini, as well as Bell and Hot peppers.

Also doing some heirloom tomatoes (I may stagger these, so I have healthy vines in late September after the early vines have started to fail. The tomato guy I watch on YouTube says this is due to fungus.)

This year's big project is a LOT of potatoes. And who knows if I get ambitious, I may do Asian pea pods. Not that they are difficult but I've not done them before.

I'm in the planning stage but like I said earlier I've got other things on the burner at the moment. I've yet to fully decide what varieties of tomato to plant????
We got our first seed order in the mail already, a few more on the way. Seed starting won't happen for another month the first ones being onions & celery. No snow on the ground, and -17 this AM. Not a bad winter so far will be warming up already tomorrow. Forecast for upper 20s and above for a stretch.
Supposed to be a gorgeous week and I may do some tilling. If I can keep the tiller going. It kept dying on me yesterday. But that could be from the old gasoline that's still in it.
Looking forward to starting some seeds my buddy Lewis from down Texas way sent me. Snowing here now, so thinking about gardening seems a long way off.
Put new gasoline in the tiller. I wasn't sure at first. It looked like water. But I poured some on the ground and threw a match at it. It burned. And the tiller worked fine. I'm thinking maybe they made a mistake at the filling station and got the wrong kind of gasoline. This stuff dont even smell like gas but it burns. Have any of y'all ever used white gas?
Put new gasoline in the tiller. I wasn't sure at first. It looked like water. But I poured some on the ground and threw a match at it. It burned. And the tiller worked fine. I'm thinking maybe they made a mistake at the filling station and got the wrong kind of gasoline. This stuff dont even smell like gas but it burns. Have any of y'all ever used white gas?
Throw a little sea foam in there, that'll help her run good.
I'm not planting seeds this year going to use starts for everything, we have some local small farm Moms that have green houses that sell starts at a great price, used them for my peppers and a couple tomatoes last year and had a great yield so we're going to go with them this year! I have had a 3" layer of straw from the floor of the chicken coop sitting on the beads since early Oct. going to turn it in late March and hopefully have everything in by May 1st.
Got to put in a gate and repair the deer fence around the garden spot. Figure out this years' rotation. And trim back the grapevines and build some trellises. Assemble that double barrel composter still sitting in the garage. Remove a couple of box planters. Rig some deer barriers around the trellis that goes up a bird house pole. And put in the new water connections post in the center of the garden after I expanded the fenced in footprint last year. And I don't know right now what else but the better 2/3's has got about eighty feet of flower garden that I help her with. Fifty-three feet of it is enclosed, which reminds me that the swing way for her garden gate needs to be dug out and concreted. Want to put in a different bird feeder set up too because the new cat is going to be an unholy terror for the birds unless they have plenty of open leeway to see him coming. We have fun, keep busy and pretty much do what we want.
A gardening acquaintance in a deer infested suburb found that a Ruger 1022 with a silenced barrel to be his most effective deer barrier. Fortunately, he operated a business with a dumpster.