If You Order From Pecatonica Beware Of Shipping Issues With USPS

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One thing I found that can help is one's own local post office. I had a shipment cycling through three USPS distribution centers for weeks. I tried the National USPS lack of Help Line with zero results. I called my small town local postmaster who went into their system and did some action online that put a hold on it and something that required a manual physical search and intervention. Situation was resolved in two days.

When I mentioned this to another small town USPS postmaster she said she had never heard of or been trained in what to do in a case like that. So sounds like I got lucky as well.
This post is to inform about shipping issues, and not meant to criticize the quality of Pecatonica River Long Rifle Supply's products in any way, shape, or form. I sent Pecatonica a very nice piece of curly black walnut to be carved into a half stock. They got the work done in a timely fashion, and reported that the finished stock had amazing figure, and turned out well with no issues. I paid my bill and they shipped it via USPS Priority on January 16. USPS showed the stock left the facility in Shirland, IL late afternoon on January 17. On January 21 it was reported "in transit" to another facility. At that point any further tracking information has ceased. According to the USPS site I am supposed to be able to make a claim on the package after January 22. When I attempt that it tells me I'm not eligible. An employee at Pecatonica to me they had had some of their packages sit in the USPS system in Chicago for three weeks during January. I understand that weather was an issue in the northern tier during this time period. If you order from Pecatonica my recommendation is that you specify implicitly shipping through another source besides the USPS. I hope my stock turns up, but I'm afraid the longer that beautiful piece of wood sits in a USPS facility the more chances it has of being destroyed, lost or stolen. Again, ask Pecatonica to ship via another shipping company. NOT the UNITED STATES POSTAL
About 10 days ago I sent a rather sizable sum of Postal Money Orders ( a Postal employee even put them in a special thin cardboard smaller envelope and mailed it for me ) . I was sending it from SW Missouri to Portland, OR. Clerk said it would take 3 days. Have been in touch with the intended recipient about my sending it and later tracking info. Several days ago the tracker said the envelope had arrived at the PO in Portland and was en-route to the Destination address. As of this evening it has not been delivered yet. Recipient also says he has not seen it yet.
It was for a musket I bought from another Forum member.
This post is to inform about shipping issues, and not meant to criticize the quality of Pecatonica River Long Rifle Supply's products in any way, shape, or form. I sent Pecatonica a very nice piece of curly black walnut to be carved into a half stock. They got the work done in a timely fashion, and reported that the finished stock had amazing figure, and turned out well with no issues. I paid my bill and they shipped it via USPS Priority on January 16. USPS showed the stock left the facility in Shirland, IL late afternoon on January 17. On January 21 it was reported "in transit" to another facility. At that point any further tracking information has ceased. According to the USPS site I am supposed to be able to make a claim on the package after January 22. When I attempt that it tells me I'm not eligible. An employee at Pecatonica to me they had had some of their packages sit in the USPS system in Chicago for three weeks during January. I understand that weather was an issue in the northern tier during this time period. If you order from Pecatonica my recommendation is that you specify implicitly shipping through another source besides the USPS. I hope my stock turns up, but I'm afraid the longer that beautiful piece of wood sits in a USPS facility the more chances it has of being destroyed, lost or stolen. Again, ask Pecatonica to ship via another shipping company. NOT the UNITED STATES POSTAL Fed and state taxes and check that went with it/
This post is to inform about shipping issues, and not meant to criticize the quality of Pecatonica River Long Rifle Supply's products in any way, shape, or form. I sent Pecatonica a very nice piece of curly black walnut to be carved into a half stock. They got the work done in a timely fashion, and reported that the finished stock had amazing figure, and turned out well with no issues. I paid my bill and they shipped it via USPS Priority on January 16. USPS showed the stock left the facility in Shirland, IL late afternoon on January 17. On January 21 it was reported "in transit" to another facility. At that point any further tracking information has ceased. According to the USPS site I am supposed to be able to make a claim on the package after January 22. When I attempt that it tells me I'm not eligible. An employee at Pecatonica to me they had had some of their packages sit in the USPS system in Chicago for three weeks during January. I understand that weather was an issue in the northern tier during this time period. If you order from Pecatonica my recommendation is that you specify implicitly shipping through another source besides the USPS. I hope my stock turns up, but I'm afraid the longer that beautiful piece of wood sits in a USPS facility the more chances it has of being destroyed, lost or stolen. Again, ask Pecatonica to ship via another shipping company. NOT the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE!

USPS lost my Fed tax return including a check mailed 22 Feb '24. If I were not so old and my truck's treads getting thin I could have hand delivered it in an hour. It has tracking with signature required. Lately USPS has been losing mailed out bills which were closely watched until they left my mailbox.
Wow! Not even a picture of that Beautiful stock after all that?????
And go with who? UPS? Fedex? They all suck.
Ted Fellows yearons ago shipped me in Georgia his masterpiece (made to order rifle) from his shop on the west coast area by Pony Express. The poor shape now-days of USPS I would prefer any shipment be handled by The Thief Of Bagdad or Rawule of Mexico.
One thing I found that can help is one's own local post office. I had a shipment cycling through three USPS distribution centers for weeks. I tried the National USPS lack of Help Line with zero results. I called my small town local postmaster who went into their system and did some action online that put a hold on it and something that required a manual physical search and intervention. Situation was resolved in two days.
UPDATE: Just had another occurence with a longbow shipped to me from 3Rivers. Got to St Paul Distribution then sat. Each day it would say it was in transit to the next destination, but I knew that wasn't true. After 5 days I once again contacted my local postmaster. She looked online and the package was actually on hold with a notation for the local postmaster to contact them.

Well...here's how stupid the postal systems are. Even though the system KNOWS that something is in a loop or sitting around gathering dust on hold, IT DOES NOT NOTIFY ANYONE! So, the package is awaiting info from my local PO, but it doesn't trigger a communication to them so they can take action!!! 😵‍💫🤯 Or, if it is looping endlessly between distribution centers, the system actually has the error notated, but it doesn't notify anyone anywhere to take action to correct it.

EGADS! What incompetence. It is not the local POs or the USPS people directly delivering. It's a complete failure from above.

My postmasters advice is to contact your local post office as soon as you see an anomaly and ask them to review the system's record/ notations and then take action to get it moving again.
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And we blame the guvment but it was privatized years ago with a director appointed by the President. In this case the one prior to the current outgoing one. Of course the problems are deeper than the director.
And we blame the guvment but it was privatized years ago with a director appointed by the President. In this case the one prior to the current outgoing one. Of course the problems are deeper than the director.
Show us a link that supports that. As far as I know USPS is not right now privatized.
Show us a link that supports that. As far as I know USPS is not right now privatized.

While Trump did NOT actually privatize the USPS in his 1st term, it is up for discussion again.
And, as has been said here on this forum before,,, the USPS is not your standard tax payer funded government agency.
I've had numerous issues with USPS shipping customers pistols that came to me for repairs or tuning. Recently I had shipped one to a customer in Vermont. It was within 100 miles of the address and then some conehead decided it had to go back across the country to Chicago, from there it went back to the east and finally to it's destination. Also had stuff come to me and be within 8 miles of my place only to wind up in Phoenix or somewhere in Texas. USPS needs to clean out the dead weight and hire some quality employees. Not saying that all are bad, just clear out the idiots that are doing this lunacy.
I had ordered from Jim Kibler's Longrifles. In just a day and a half, it made it from Ohio, to a USPS shipping center in Pennsylvania, to St. Louis. That was last Sunday. From there it should have been delivered on Tuesday to me via Springfield, IL.

Nope. It stayed in St. Louis until yesterday when it finally went to Springfield, IL., and I picked it up this morning. Saturday. a full week and a day from when it was shipped from Ohio.

The Doc is out now. 😎

Your anecdote is evidence of nothing. Zero. Nada. Zip.

I can give you dozens of examples of destroyed and lost packages with UPS and FedEx. Never had such an issue with USPS. In fact, UPS won't even deliver to my rural house, they leave my packages on the side of the road 1/2 mile from my house.

I won't use any service except USPS for shipping.

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