How my early doe season went

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Jun 11, 2009
Reaction score
Fair Grove, MO

Missouri had an early firearms doe season this past weekend and I had high hopes of putting some meat in the freezer with one of my smokepoles. Alas, it was not to be. Friday morning was a chilly 38 degrees in the holler and the ridge I was hunting on had lots of acorns. It also had lots of bucks. These Three Amigos entertained me for about 30 minutes while a big fat doe stood off about 100 yards eating acorns. She wouldn't come close while they were there and she finally left. The only other doe I saw was being chased by a buck Saturday morning.

I killed two, one Friday and one Sunday. However, I wasn't using my flinter just modern Fiream. I'll wait a bit for the bucks to get into rut before I go that route.