It depends. I'll use my thumb when hunting and carrying port arms because it's the closest digit. On the bench I use my index finger.
Yes, to you and I, but not to the OP or he would not have asked. I could care less what peroid correct is, I just try to be safe.Really Larry, pretty self-explaining if you look at the gun. Perhaps you have period documentation on exactly the correct way to cock a BP gun. please share. Inquiring minds want to know.
Thanks very muchSorry you received so many sarcastic replies. Some people think since they know a correct way, they think everyone should know.
I use both, but promarily the thumb. Do what is safest for you!
Yes indeed. Thankfully no one has yet offered suggestions on how to raise the cock.You know this could really go off the rails. But being a multi-generational site, I will leave it at that.
Dragging the rifle by the muzzle and letting the cock get hung up on a sapling works well too.
Just remember the Cheney Rule.
Always have the muzzle pointed toward a friend.
I can picture you drinking a cup of tea with the pinky in the air as well.left hand cupped around the jaw screw, left pinky extended to check flint edge for sharpness.
had to stop and think about it. just a reflex now a days.
Tea! Tea!, my ancestors would spin in their graves if they saw me drinking Tea! they threw it into the bay!I can picture you drinking a cup of tea with the pinky in the air as well.
I agree. Won't this madness ever endI hope this matter gets settled before this evening sets in or I won't get a moment of sleep tonight.
But of course, that's what we do!here we go![]()
How do you pull back the cock on your flintlock? Do you simply use your thumb like any other gun with a hammer or do you grab a hold of the cock with your hand to pull it back? I see people do both. Is there a right or wrong way or just a matter of personal preference? Thanks