Here's a good bench vise for pistols - next up, I need a hand vise

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Oct 31, 2019
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Hi guys. For some months now I have been building a MBS Ketland pistol and have been using a Dremel multi-vise and it's worked out great. Soft jaws and holds the work through any and all shaping, inletting, etc. I highly recommend it. What I need now is a reliable hand vise - does anyone have a recommendation? I looked around and see several in the under $50 range n Amazon etc. Thanks.
Ah thanks - those look very useful. The other day I was smoothing the ends of some retaining pins and a hand-held vise (NOS from the Squadron Shop, I think) came in handy
I've been using the 4" Harbor Freight vise. Adjustable eight ways from Sunday. Rotating head with two jaw styles. I think it was less than $30
sjnapped my harbour freight 4 inch is half...cranked it too hard.

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