Great Plains 54 accuracy

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40 Cal
Jan 3, 2022
Reaction score
W. Montana
This coming Sat. Dec 14 starts my ML elk hunt. Problem: My Great Plains 54, 1/60 twist , with the receiver sight will shoot clover leaf's at 50 yds. Lee 300gr REAL, 90grs FF Triple Seen powder. But, only after the bore has been fouled with two shots. From a clean bore the first shot is wild. Tried shooting only from a clean bore, never shoots the same place twice. That first shot from a clean bore may be high, low , right or left. Always changes. Have tried everything I can think off. No success. From a fouled bore, super accurate. Problem is , my weather is wet ( snow, rain ) . Can't leaved the bore un-protected.
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I'd try different lubes from what has been found to not work on the first shot, loading with a pin clean bore and then running a lubed patch in and back out before putting a cap on it.
I'd probably have to try hot loading a thick skirted minie also.
The last version of the #533476 that Lyman came out with has a nose on it like a hammer and could paper patch really nice.
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Yes, 1`/60 is a RB twist. But the 300 gr Lee REAL & RB are almost the exact same length. And, once the bore is fouled , the Lee REAL almost shoots on top of it self. Guess I can try the RB tomorrow & see. Really did not want to use a RB on elk. Also , i have tried different lubes. It seems to be a clean bore problem. Foul the bore, excellent accuracy. Guess I could put a large piece of duct tape over the fouled bore. Maybe that would protect it. I have always babied my bore, & it is bright & shiny as a new nickel. Want it to stay that way.
Yes, 1`/60 is a RB twist. But the 300 gr Lee REAL & RB are almost the exact same length. And, once the bore is fouled , the Lee REAL almost shoots on top of it self. Guess I can try the RB tomorrow & see. Really did not want to use a RB on elk. Also , i have tried different lubes. It seems to be a clean bore problem. Foul the bore, excellent accuracy.
Alot of competition shooters foul the bore before beginning a match. It is tougher to do before hunting
Minute of elk leaves you some wiggle room.

find out where that first shot groups in relation to your standard poa hold.

Remember, and hold accordingly.


See if snapping 3, or so caps before loading is enough fouling to get you tightened up.
I foul my barrel by shooting a load of 40 or so grains of powder, without a bullet. Think they call it a squib load? You might try doing that twice to get the desired level of fouling? Are you shooting your gun after each day, I don’t see why you couldn’t shoot twice at camp and then leave it loaded. My GPR shoots the first shot right on with a fouled barrel
It's measuring time. Get out your vernier calipers and measure the land-to-land diameter and the groove diameter. The diameter of the driving band of your Lee REAL conical should almost be the same as the groove diameter. It's taking two shots for the fouling to build up to the point that the REAL bullet is sealing the bore and engaging the rifling. If you are casting the REAL bullets, you can try the beagling process. Use a piece of paper as a shim between the mold faces to enlarge the mold cavity. Oddly, you won't get fins around the bullet, but the diameter will increase a few thousandths. The paper shim will start to burn up after a few castings and should be replaced fairly often. This will help with getting the REAL bullet to engrave on the rifling. Also, use an over powder wad between the powder and the REAL bullet as a gas seal.
Thanks for all the advice. I do have lots of felt wads. Will give all a try. Tomorrow I will start some detailed load work. Will see how it goes. Season starts This coming Sat., the 14th. Have 14 days to hunt. If all goes well, should have a picture or two to share.
It's measuring time. Get out your vernier calipers and measure the land-to-land diameter and the groove diameter. The diameter of the driving band of your Lee REAL conical should almost be the same as the groove diameter.
My first thought as well...the bullets, as cast, aren't large enough in diameter.
Minute of elk leaves you some wiggle room.

find out where that first shot groups in relation to your standard poa hold.

Remember, and hold accordingly.


See if snapping 3, or so caps before loading is enough fouling to get you tightened up.
Yes he aint hunting mayflies. I do not see a problem just fire just powder before he hunt like others have said
In terms of my particular GPR, as well as a friends, they both shoot their best accuracy with a maximum load of 3F Black Powder. That is with RB, not conical.
I concur with the thought that the real is not a good fit to the barrel.

It's tough making major changes with only three days before the season. Been there, done that!!

I would switch to a round ball and sight it with 80 or 90 grains of powder. It has worked for me and other hunters that I hunt elk with if that might help you get over the reluctance to shoot the ball. Regardless of what you hurl at them, it has to hit them in the vitals.
I agree. Got tired of fighting the inconsistencies of the Lee REAL bullet. Went back to my RB, cast from a LEE mold. Using 90grs , Hodgon Triple 7, ff. Excellent ,consistent accuracy. Sighted dead on at 50yds. Holes right next to each other. Not excited about hunting elk with a RB, but at least it is a 54cal. Season starts tomorrow the 14th, thru Friday the 27th. Will see what the old Great Plains is capable of.
I agree. Got tired of fighting the inconsistencies of the Lee REAL bullet. Went back to my RB, cast from a LEE mold. Using 90grs , Hodgon Triple 7, ff. Excellent ,consistent accuracy. Sighted dead on at 50yds. Holes right next to each other. Not excited about hunting elk with a RB, but at least it is a 54cal. Season starts tomorrow the 14th, thru Friday the 27th. Will see what the old Great Plains is capable of.
Good luck! Go get em…

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