Blackened Brass

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36 Cl.
Jan 21, 2024
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Anyone blacken brass while on the gun? I think I want to blacken this Woodsrunner brass but the thought of screwing up the curly maple is giving me pause.

I've blackened removable Hawkins brass without issue, but any tips for doing it while on the gun?
Ditto post #2.

Will take longer, and multiple "treatments", but the only way I see you can do it with blackening solution and without possibility of harming the finish is to remove all the parts and blacken them while off the rifle.
I have used many different solutions to patina brass and would not use any of them when the parts are in contact with wood. Would not want the solutions to enter the wood grain. I would go the natural route if I didn't want to take the parts off. If you do take them off the solutions work better if the metal is warm.
I get great and immediate results with Birchwood Casey bluing liquid. Use tape around brass to protect the wood, remove the brass or just be careful. I just rub it on and that's all; like kyron4 posted.