Black Powder Substitute Question ?

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May 24, 2005
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Hello All. Happy Thanksgiving !!!

I have a small quantity of Clean Shot substitute from years ago. It's been kept in a metal box in a climate controlled room. I just used this substitute for shooting C&B revolvers as I could shoot many rounds before cleaning. At some point in the past Clean Shot was bought out by Clear Shot - or vise versa - I think (?) Anyway, it was advertized as volumn for volumn with genuine black powder, which I found to be accurate. I believe both of these firms are long out of business now.
So, what substitute is available today that could be used volumn for volumn when measuring charges ? Any help appreciated. Thanks.

Hello All. Happy Thanksgiving !!!

I have a small quantity of Clean Shot substitute from years ago. It's been kept in a metal box in a climate controlled room. I just used this substitute for shooting C&B revolvers as I could shoot many rounds before cleaning. At some point in the past Clean Shot was bought out by Clear Shot - or vise versa - I think (?) Anyway, it was advertized as volumn for volumn with genuine black powder, which I found to be accurate. I believe both of these firms are long out of business now.
So, what substitute is available today that could be used volumn for volumn when measuring charges ? Any help appreciated. Thanks.


I'm not sure I understand exactly what you are asking and trying to accomplish. However, I probably would not approach the problem from that angle.
Hello All. Happy Thanksgiving !!!

I have a small quantity of Clean Shot substitute from years ago. It's been kept in a metal box in a climate controlled room. I just used this substitute for shooting C&B revolvers as I could shoot many rounds before cleaning. At some point in the past Clean Shot was bought out by Clear Shot - or vise versa - I think (?) Anyway, it was advertized as volumn for volumn with genuine black powder, which I found to be accurate. I believe both of these firms are long out of business now.
So, what substitute is available today that could be used volumn for volumn when measuring charges ? Any help appreciated. Thanks.

Black MZ from sportsman's warehouse. or American Pioneer powder or Jim Shockey'S gold will serve you well if you liked clean shot. Don't wait! when its gone that's the last of it. All made by American Pioneer that's also reported to be defunct.
Triple 7 works just fine volume for volume. It doesn’t need to be reduced unless you are trying to replicate the various weaker powders commonly available. Compared to Swiss and Olde Eynsford by Goex Triple 7 is just a tad slower.
Hello All. Happy Thanksgiving !!!

I have a small quantity of Clean Shot substitute from years ago. It's been kept in a metal box in a climate controlled room. I just used this substitute for shooting C&B revolvers as I could shoot many rounds before cleaning. At some point in the past Clean Shot was bought out by Clear Shot - or vise versa - I think (?) Anyway, it was advertized as volumn for volumn with genuine black powder, which I found to be accurate. I believe both of these firms are long out of business now.
So, what substitute is available today that could be used volumn for volumn when measuring charges ? Any help appreciated. Thanks.

When I started, I shot Pyrodex - volume to volume compared to Goex.
Hello All. Happy Thanksgiving !!!

So, what substitute is available today that could be used volumn for volumn when measuring charges ? Any help appreciated. Thanks.

All of the synthetic black powder substitutes are made to be safely measured by volume on a one to one basis.

That's not to say that all of them will produce the same power or velocity though.

Pyrodex is pretty close to real black powder when it comes to producing velocity. Hodgdon Triple Se7en (that most folks call 777 or T7) is more powerful than black powder or Pyrodex. Not enough to be dangerous if it is loaded in equal volumes but enough to really notice.

APP and similar ascorbic acid based powders are usually weaker than black powder or Pyrodex when they are loaded on a one to one volume basis.
At some point in the past Clean Shot was,,
Here's the short story, Clean Shot was sued out of existence by Hodgdons for replicating "pellet" form powder.
(at the time a patent breech)
The same owners of Clean shot then started American Pioneer Powder,, it's the same stuff.
A year later they paid Jim Shockey to endorse their powder,, so Jim Shockey's Gold,, is the same stuff with a higher price tag.
Good luck,,
Can't understand why they are discontinuing it? I've had nothing but good luck with it in everything from .32 up to 10 gauge shotgun. It works better behind heavier projectiles but have used it in my .32 Crockett and T/C Cherokee. I've seen different gun writers talking about it and one was honest about how good it worked and another obviously never really worked with it. He probably needed to get an article out by the end of the month and likely made up all the stuff he wrote about it. I have Chrono tested the stuff and found it to be very consistent. One negative that I found was that the smoke was real bad to breathe. Aside from that, I really like the stuff.
Gentlemen: Thank you ALL for your replies. Most helpful. I'm primarily a traditional flintlock shooter, so I haven't had a need to keep up with the substitutes and who makes what, etc. Obviously lots of changes in ownership, brands, etc. since Clear Shot. As mentioned, I only used this in the C&B revolvers. I could almost swear it burns cleaner than some modern powders. LOL Thanks again for your replies.

Gentlemen: Thank you ALL for your replies. Most helpful. I'm primarily a traditional flintlock shooter, so I haven't had a need to keep up with the substitutes and who makes what, etc. Obviously lots of changes in ownership, brands, etc. since Clear Shot. As mentioned, I only used this in the C&B revolvers. I could almost swear it burns cleaner than some modern powders. LOL Thanks again for your replies.

Rick is modern powder, with something thrown into the mix to make it smoke. Not sure why they even do that.
Is triple 7 as corrosive as the others? (BP & Pyro)
I haven't used it but I've seen many posts by the people who have used triple 7 say they have never seen any signs of corrosion in their guns, even when they were a bit forgetful and did not clean their guns right after shooting them. Many of them said the reason is because triple 7 did not have Potassium Perchlorate in it like Pyrodex does.

Being curious, I looked at the material safety data sheet for both Pyrodex and triple 7 and found that both of them use Potassium Perchlorate as an oxidizer.
The one difference I did notice was that Pyrodex contains sulfur. Triple 7 does not.

I was taught to always clean my guns after shooting them so I do, as soon as possible.
If you do, black powder fouling, Pyrodex fouling and triple 7 fouling will never cause any corrosion.
Is triple 7 as corrosive as the others? (BP & Pyro)
I used T7 for many years with good success and just very recently switched to BP. I used Pyrodex prior to that and found T7 to be superior to Pyrodex both in terms of performance and ease of clean up.
Hello All. Happy Thanksgiving !!!

I have a small quantity of Clean Shot substitute from years ago. It's been kept in a metal box in a climate controlled room. I just used this substitute for shooting C&B revolvers as I could shoot many rounds before cleaning. At some point in the past Clean Shot was bought out by Clear Shot - or vise versa - I think (?) Anyway, it was advertized as volumn for volumn with genuine black powder, which I found to be accurate. I believe both of these firms are long out of business now.
So, what substitute is available today that could be used volumn for volumn when measuring charges ? Any help appreciated. Thanks.

All of the substitutes are formulated to be an equivalent volume for volume load with black powder.
Save the can. I believe Goex, or someone on Facebook was looking for defunct cans for their collection.