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I’ve got a piece of posted land I have exclusive hunting rights to. Couple years ago I saw ATV tracks leading right up to where my ladder stand used to be, bastards stole it. Also had someone ride an ATV up to one of my coyote sets and steal whatever was in the trap and had trap. I could see where they used the ATV to pull the trap stake. Last year I saw ATV tracks going into my hunting area and followed them right to where my trail camera used to be. Bastards stole that too !!
I try to get as far off the road as possible so my gear doesn’t get stolen but these ATVs can and do go anywhere.
Wow. There really are some crappy people in the world.
I find them a huge annoyance, BUT....,
I find the Karens and their horses who ride into designated state hunting lands in hunting season, without orange on and chattering away as their horses and tack go ting-a-ling-a-ling mess with the deer as much as a motor.
Yes electric mountain bikes are getting to be a thing too, but they are much more quiet, if only the riders would shut up....

As for some of the comments..., folks do NOT post about bobby traps that one might set, nor dumping hydrolic fluid on the roadway, etc., for IF where you live somebody gets seriously harmed by such, and the authorities go looking, and find what you've posted online...,

Thank you

I was North of Crested Butte, and them thar mountains were full of hikers. We watched headlamps bobbing on the trails across the valley till we turned in. Never figured out if it was bad planning or they intended to be hiking at night. All the horses we encountered were ML hunters going after the Mulies. We met guys from ID, UT, and TX, and though I would have rather had the unit to ourselves, everyone we met was friendly, very polite, and shared what info they had.
In Michigan during the firearm deer season I believe you are only allowed to ride to your blind or to recover your game. To and From. If you’re caught riding around it’s a hunter harassment offense. I think it’s up to or is $500 fine.
I can see helicopters for hunters in our Colorado future, there will be people using them because they can not do it otherwise. Sept 1st through January 31st foot access to public land only. Period!
There are always going to be idiots. With ATV's, snowmobiles, cars, trucks, and firearms. One look at rural road signs full of bullet holes should tell you that. I don't know the answer. Sure there are laws against it, but do you think flooding the woods and fields with scout cars and officers to enforce them would be any better? The knee jerk reaction is to ban them all entirely, yet they are all useful tools that can and should be used wisely.

I try to go where there is little pressure, and fewer chances to run into problems with idiots. The only problem with that is if I get into trouble I am pretty much on my own. Not much chance there will be someone to lend me a hand.
There are always going to be idiots. With ATV's, snowmobiles, cars, trucks, and firearms. One look at rural road signs full of bullet holes should tell you that. I don't know the answer. Sure there are laws against it, but do you think flooding the woods and fields with scout cars and officers to enforce them would be any better? The knee jerk reaction is to ban them all entirely, yet they are all useful tools that can and should be used wisely.

I try to go where there is little pressure, and fewer chances to run into problems with idiots. The only problem with that is if I get into trouble I am pretty much on my own. Not much chance there will be someone to lend me a hand.
Very good post and it Mirror's my own opinion. I do hunt a long ways from help and where there is no cell service. I use an inreach satellite communicator so my wife has peace of mind when I'm gone several days at a time. Up here in Canada our current governments reaction to problems is to ban it. Just look at our firearms laws.
I’ve got a piece of posted land I have exclusive hunting rights to. Couple years ago I saw ATV tracks leading right up to where my ladder stand used to be, bastards stole it. Also had someone ride an ATV up to one of my coyote sets and steal whatever was in the trap and had trap. I could see where they used the ATV to pull the trap stake. Last year I saw ATV tracks going into my hunting area and followed them right to where my trail camera used to be. Bastards stole that too !!
I try to get as far off the road as possible so my gear doesn’t get stolen but these ATVs can and do go anywhere.
So its the ATV's fault, right?

Here's some factual information for any anti-ATV folks.

When I live a ways up in the Boise mountain range the wife and I used our horses for pleasure riding and hunting. The main thing that stopped us was we would be on a narrow trail and some knot head would come out of nowhere, at a high rate of speed for the size of the trail, on a dirt bike. Not an ATV but a dirt bike. It most always happened so fast that the rodeo was on. During the winter it was snowmobiles that was everywhere. Most every one of those came up from the flatland/city.

Its not the particular machine, rather its the people operating them. Its no different than boats on lakes. Bass fishermen are my most concern while I'm out fishing. I have seen more dangerous, life threatening stunts pulled by "some" bass fisherman than most everyone else on the lake. Some of which darn near took me out and/or was after dark.

And then we have the idiots that drive dangerously. Its super bad here out in the rural mountains of the S.E. on these narrow single lane roads, many of which have no shoulders. The double yellow line means nothing to them.

Not the machine, its the people operating them.

Thugs don't need an ATV to trespass. They don't need an ATV to steal your stands. They don't need an ATV to ruin a days hunt for others. They don't need an ATV to violate game.

The only thing people are doing by complaining about ATV's is making it rough on those of us that actually "need" an ATV to get around, especially to hunt and/or retrieve game.

Every dog has its day, and that means everyone, including those that complain about ATV's because you can count on this. Father time has his way of catching up with everyone. Some day you just might wish you had an ATV so you can continue hunting and/or to retrieve your game animal and/or take your stand out to the woods. Remember, lots of hunters die every year of heart attacks from dragging out big game.
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Did I say it was the ATVs fault?

ATVs make it quick and easy for poachers and thieves to get in and get out in a hurry. I called the game warden to report all of these and every time I hear the same response, “we’re having trouble all over the county with ATVs and trespassing”. Maybe the fine for running your ATV on private posted property should be a $50,000 fine, that might reduce the problem.
Did I say it was the ATVs fault?

ATVs make it quick and easy for poachers and thieves to get in and get out in a hurry. I called the game warden to report all of these and every time I hear the same response, “we’re having trouble all over the county with ATVs and trespassing”. Maybe the fine for running your ATV on private posted property should be a $50,000 fine, that might reduce the problem.
Perhaps, and rightfully so. And I understand your frustration.

But again, its the people committing the wrong doings. The same sort of things was going on before ATV's were ever invented. People trespassed. People violated game. People stole stands. People ruined a days hunt for others. If we make a push to restrict ATV's, offenders will still be using them to commit wrong doings. All it will do is restrict those of us that depend on ATV's for many things. Its no different than gun control. Offenders will still commit crimes yet the government puts the screws to us law abiding folks.

EDIT: Billy, please understand this. My words is not an attack on you whatsoever. It is not personal. There is another thread already in progress on anti ATV's. Its simply to reiterate that we must be very careful of advocating the reduction of our rights. Lord knows we are losing more and more rights every day the way it is.

If I offended you then you have my apology sir.
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No problem ETIPP, I understand your position. I’m just sick and tired of people breaking the law and nothing happening to them. Our cities are turning into jungles run by thugs and everyday the politicians make it easier for them and harder for law abiding citizens. I’m personally about at my breaking point and I’ve been carrying my .45 everywhere for about a year now. I won’t even go into Pittsburgh for any reason due to the drugs, crime and homelessness. It’s really quite depressing.
No problem ETIPP, I understand your position. I’m just sick and tired of people breaking the law and nothing happening to them. Our cities are turning into jungles run by thugs and everyday the politicians make it easier for them and harder for law abiding citizens. I’m personally about at my breaking point and I’ve been carrying my .45 everywhere for about a year now. I won’t even go into Pittsburgh for any reason due to the drugs, crime and homelessness. It’s really quite depressing.
Fully understand, Billy. We are living in evil times.

My sister lives in MI. She has private property that borders state land. No problem from people hunting that state land but of all things, her only neighbor is hunting on her property. He has cut her fences and continues to hunt/trespass even though my sister has called the law on him many times. For whatever reason, they will not nail that turd.

Without going down into the rabbit hole too far, I will state this. With the liberal, evil, NWO thugs, criminals have more rights than law abiding folks do.
Years ago my friend and I hunted in New Mexico for deer. We hunted public land and set up camp by the rules and spent a day scouting out the area. The next morning we got up at two in the morning and hiked to the canyon we were going to hunt. We were waiting for daylight when four ATVs came by us. One went to the bottom of the canyon. Two ran on either side at the top and the fourth waited at the other end.We heard about ten shots. We turned around and started walking back and shortly they all passed us. They had a buck and two does loaded up and ask us if we wanted to buy the buck! They said they were Indian and could shoot whatever they saw! That was my last public land hunt and my last time to hunt New Mexico.
So its the ATV's fault, right?

Here's some factual information for any anti-ATV folks.

When I live a ways up in the Boise mountain range the wife and I used our horses for pleasure riding and hunting. The main thing that stopped us was we would be on a narrow trail and some knot head would come out of nowhere, at a high rate of speed for the size of the trail, on a dirt bike. Not an ATV but a dirt bike. It most always happened so fast that the rodeo was on. During the winter it was snowmobiles that was everywhere. Most every one of those came up from the flatland/city.

Its not the particular machine, rather its the people operating them. Its no different than boats on lakes. Bass fishermen are my most concern while I'm out fishing. I have seen more dangerous, life threatening stunts pulled by "some" bass fisherman than most everyone else on the lake. Some of which darn near took me out and/or was after dark.

And then we have the idiots that drive dangerously. Its super bad here out in the rural mountains of the S.E. on these narrow single lane roads, many of which have no shoulders. The double yellow line means nothing to them.

Not the machine, its the people operating them.

Thugs don't need an ATV to trespass. They don't need an ATV to steal your stands. They don't need an ATV to ruin a days hunt for others. They don't need an ATV to violate game.

The only thing people are doing by complaining about ATV's is making it rough on those of us that actually "need" an ATV to get around, especially to hunt and/or retrieve game.

Every dog has its day, and that means everyone, including those that complain about ATV's because you can count on this. Father time has his way of catching up with everyone. Some day you just might wish you had an ATV so you can continue hunting and/or to retrieve your game animal and/or take your stand out to the woods. Remember, lots of hunters die every year of heart attacks from dragging out big game.
I don't recall anyone saying it was the machine's fault, it is certainly people's misuse of them. Fact is, motorized vehicle use in our state forests here is illegal and the fact remains that those that do so demonstrate the reasons for those laws all the time. We have a few legal snowmobile trails and that is it. ATVs and dirtbikes are not allowed, and when they show up, they aren't being ridden by responsible users, evidenced by the fact they aren't supposed to be there to begin with.

There is a big difference between destructive "joy riding," and using a machine to safely recover downed game, the latter is not what we are seeing. I had an excellent place for spring turkey hunting, fall archery and muzzleloader deer, pheasant and duck hunting, the place was almost paradise. The ATV crowd has literally destroyed it. The place looks like a pro motocross playground. Sure it is a people problem, isn't it always?
Not an ATV, but just another selfish person hunting Public land last year. Found a tree stand chain to a tree. The rule specifically say no tree stands are to be left overnight. This person had their tree stand chained to a tree with a padlock and also had the seat area covered with plastic bags, so who knows how long is it been there? I quickly made a call to the local Dnr and gave him that pin. They were down there within two days, confiscated the Deerstand and waited for somebody to call saying their Deerstand was stolen. I also supplied Dnr with pics of it being there overnight. When the person contacted them, they said oh we have your Deerstand come get it and when they came to get it, they were given a ticket! bet you that Deerstand will be changed that tree this year .


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All these battery operated tools available make chains and padlocks useless to a motivated thief. My ladder stand was chained and locked on posted land but still got stolen.
I’ve got a piece of posted land I have exclusive hunting rights to. Couple years ago I saw ATV tracks leading right up to where my ladder stand used to be, bastards stole it. Also had someone ride an ATV up to one of my coyote sets and steal whatever was in the trap and had trap. I could see where they used the ATV to pull the trap stake. Last year I saw ATV tracks going into my hunting area and followed them right to where my trail camera used to be. Bastards stole that too !!
I try to get as far off the road as possible so my gear doesn’t get stolen but these ATVs can and do go anywhere.
If the road was on my posted property there would be an 8 inch ditch with spikes on the bottom.
I think SOLANCO has the right idea. Make it "uncomfortable" for them to be violating your space!