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  1. Eras Gone

    FOR SALE 1859 Sharps Cavalry Carbine by Pedersoli .54 $1600 shipped

    The groove diameter is probably around .535 or more, with a .520 bore. These will require a bullet with at least a thousands or two more than groove diameter to shoot well.
  2. Eras Gone

    Cap Jam Fix On Colt Pocket Models

    All of the Uberti "pocket" sized guns have this same issue. Some more than others. They also sometimes are more likely to have index issues were the cylinder will over rotate and get out of line. Here is how I fixed (for the most part) the cap jamming problems with my .31 Pocket Revolver...
  3. Eras Gone

    Just joined today from Florence Alabama.

    Welcome from Huntsville, AL
  4. Eras Gone

    Coned Muzzles

    My buddy has a 11 degree coning tool that is designed for .45 revolver forcing cones. Would it work on a muzzleloading rifle?
  5. Eras Gone

    NIB Garret Sharps Carbine

    The Garrets also have a functioning Maynard pellet priming system, which was left off all the other repros. The Garrets also suffer from the same gas leak issues as the other reproduction Sharps. I sent my to Larry Flees to have that cured.
  6. Eras Gone

    New Member From Alabama

    Welcome from Huntsville
  7. Eras Gone

    Where to get .69 Cal round ball?

    Eras Gone Bullet Molds have a few .678 ball molds left in stock.
  8. Eras Gone

    Kibler Brown Bess?

    Yes! I'd buy a 1st Model Long Land Musket! I would prefer the 1756 version with the metal rammer, but would gladly take the 1742 with the wooden rammer. Rev War reenacting has been waiting for a good source of Long Lands forever. Right now, the Rifle Shoppe bag-o-castings is the only option.
  9. Eras Gone

    Hello from Alabama - RTR

    Welcome from Huntsville! Where is Alabama are you located?
  10. Eras Gone

    Kibler smoothbore shipped today,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    How early did you pre-order? I ordered one about 2 weeks into the preorder timeframe.
  11. Eras Gone

    Pietta 1858 New Army Revolver .44 Cal 8" barrel

    Congrats on a fine shooting revolver. I suspect your accuracy will improve even more with a lighter powder charge. The US Army load was about 25 grains and a conical ball. Most competition shooters are using about 20 grains with a round ball. Unless you are hunting and need the heavy load...
  12. Eras Gone

    Anyone get a Pietta G&G Clone from this most recent batch?

    Mine is from an earlier run, when they were still using wood grips. It seems that all of their cheaper revolvers now come with those horrible plastic grips. Here is my review. G&G review and range time
  13. Eras Gone

    Which 1858 Remington to get

    Dimensionally, the Pietta is the closest. But, Uberti wins overall because they hide most of the modern markings under the loading lever.
  14. Eras Gone

    Hello from Alabama

    I'm in Huntsville too! Welcome!
  15. Eras Gone

    .36 Colt Navy that powerful??????

    Here is an experiment I did shooting water jugs with a .36 conical bullets. I was surprised by the penetration. On another note, an acquaintance of mine was shot by a .36 revolver during a reenactment in Mississippi many years ago. The ball passed through his privates, blew out one tesitcle...
  16. Eras Gone

    How to use a Colt Walker flask?

    The originals were such a failure that they gave up and went to paper cartridges. They would gum up and seldom threw a consistent charge.
  17. Eras Gone

    Some Eye Candy : Cimarron 1860 "McCulloch Colt" Anyone Else?

    I have two Fluted Cylinder Colts. One is an Uberti and the other is a Centennial Belgian made version. Unfortunately, Uberti makes theirs with a standard 8 inch barrel. For the most part, original early fluted M1860s had a 7.5 inch barrel. Centennial produced theirs correctly with the 7.5...
  18. Eras Gone

    PayPal anti gun?

    They do have a rep for anti gun, but I have used them for my mold business since 2017. Last year I had them question my business and threatened to shut me down unless I proved I was not selling guns or ammunition. Is sent them a description of my products and they gave me the green light. I...
  19. Eras Gone

    Northwest Alabama Meet n Greet

    Thanks! Keep us informed on your plans. I'm in Huntsville and will drive over if I can.
  20. Eras Gone

    Hello from Alabama

    Welcome from Huntsville