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  1. L

    Where to find real 32 Caliber soft lead Ball for the tiny BP Revolvers

    Thank you ALL for the kindly replies. Somehow I missed The Wolf Cries when I looked. Dixie has no 0.320, largest 0.315, but like the Crying Wolf and myself they are downsizing as we all age together. I saw the Graf buckshot before but its miscellaneous teardown single 0 buck of likely various...
  2. L

    Where to find real 32 Caliber soft lead Ball for the tiny BP Revolvers

    So where do I find the 32 caliber balls for the Uberti and/or Pietta 32 caliber cute little revolvers. Spent parts of several different days reading internet including searching this forum, .... where the answers are -Use Hornady 0.315" Lead Ball -Use 00 Buckshot. Internet Experts that have a...
  3. L

    NEW Midway Pietta 1860 in Army Question

    No, Thanks for the effort but...... ........I think I did not explain clearly the issue. The top of the rectangular cutout in the barrel for the wedge is below the outside edge of the capture screw cap/head, so as the wedge comes out of the barrel, the rectangular cutout keeps the spring hook...
  4. L

    NEW Midway Pietta 1860 in Army Question

    I am a novice BP enthusiast and have a few BP revolvers. I just recently purchased the Pietta 1860 in Army Caliber with extra cylinder from Midway. Its for making a conversation piece display cased kit for my sitting room, as I have an old ASM to do the shooting with. Ya, I know Uberti makes...
  5. L

    SOLD - Pending funds Pietta Remington 1858 NMA

    Put me next in line, as your price is too good to pass on and this is on my bucket list. THANKS!
  6. L

    WANTED UBERTI 1849 POCKET ..... do you have one collecting dust in your closet?

    Do you have a pocket 1849 made by Uberti or maybe that thing they call the 1848 baby Dragoon. If you no longer have an interest in it I will offer $250 plus shipping for working model, ....... yes a bit of a discount from new but thats why I am posting to see if such is out there and I see...
  7. L

    Wider Wedge Anyone

    I have a Armi San Marcos 1860 that was added to a package purchase that I threw into a drawer for 10 years and now have an interest in it. Fired it at the range and it works fine-will deal with point of aim later.....but the Dragons fire Breath out the sides was rather stimulating. Not...
  8. L

    SOLD 20 lbs Soft Lead Ingots

    I will take this lot. IM sent to request payment information THANKS! larry
  9. L

    Information Request: Italian 1858 makers mark

    THANKS Google Fu wat saying the Armi San Marcos Maker mark was a mark In English language text that said "A. S. M." I definitely prefer the English text maker mark they use is much more clear to recognize than the unbroken line with all the sharp turns as its is much easier to figure out and...
  10. L

    Information Request: Italian 1858 makers mark

    So......I have a bag of 1858 parts..... barrel says made in Italy....... but my google fu skills failed me in identifying the makers mark. This mark looks like one of those clever 1970's vintage geometric symbols that can be viewed several ways. At first glance it appears to be an "A" over an...
  11. L

    SOLD Pietta 1858 revolver SOLD PENDING PAYMENT

    Hi I am a recent registered member so cannot Message for normal making an offer. I would do $285 shipped for this if it passes basic function test (Half and full cock, cylinder rotates, trigger drops hammer) and has good lockup. Please IM me your email address if interested so we can discuss in...