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  1. Fallon Kid

    FOR SALE We need a “Member Feedback” thread/forum badly.

    I have noticed on the few transactions I have done, I had others post I was good guy or trust worthy. These posts came from the above average posters and although not fool proof, it does not hurt.
  2. Fallon Kid

    BUYER BEWARE - Mntnhntr is a SCAMMER

    Crooks may the best windchimes
  3. Fallon Kid

    Percussion Cap "Shortage"

    AlexB Very well may be me and not have correct stuff to make. I bought the cap punch that uses a coke can and recommended cap gun caps. Anyway thanks as you give a person hope and maybe try it again. Thank You
  4. Fallon Kid

    Percussion Cap "Shortage"

    Homemade Caps. Don't fall for it. I bit during last shortage. Not sorry because I can speak with experience and I’ll try anything once. The caps fail to pop about 40-50% of the time. It is fiddley and time consuming beyond belief. They will not stay on a rolling cylinder and I looked at...
  5. Fallon Kid

    Nipple pic Upgrade?

    Just an idea I tried and seems to work better than OME nipple pick wire. I had a clogged nipple flash hole and nothing seemed to open it. I made my own wire to fit into the pick holder and I like so far. I play 12 string guitar, well, let us say I own one, Using a G string, I cut the bitter end...
  6. Fallon Kid

    Finally, the truth

    Jim, I have been doing a little research and found out Mr. Capi did run into a Mr. Whitworth in 1846 in a Paris buffet line that was stalled while waiting on some Brie Whiz. I’m sure there is more to this story and maybe a little googling about Joseph Whitworth would be good background info Been...
  7. Fallon Kid

    Finally, the truth

    Have you been drinking? Nah. Quit drinking years ago and full of life, sober and love to have fun.
  8. Fallon Kid

    Finally, the truth

    Thanks Jim. I spend too much time alone and head spins outa control. I should have been put down a ling time ago. LOL
  9. Fallon Kid

    Finally, the truth

    Thanks all. I do lay in bed and laugh at some of the crap that rolls over in my head. I am currently mulling a story about Whitworth and his rifle. I am afraid it would not have much meaning to anyone not conversant with his gun. And a new individual in my head, an Italian gent, Mr...
  10. Fallon Kid

    Capper that works

    Life be good. White hair good. Pot belly working on it. Rather have gun in hand than drink in hand. For me can't be both so I choose the gun. Yep I'm one of those but my parents from 'dust bowl' Texas (1937) so I guess all is well. LOL
  11. Fallon Kid

    Capper that works

    Did not think that at all. And "pulling the cap off" I found if you relieve the spring pressure on the capper loader just a bit, the capper comes right off and cap is seated. That is after pushing cap down on the nipple. Good lord, I'm starting to sound like Auto Warranty tele marketer. LOL...
  12. Fallon Kid

    Capper that works

    BigAl. I understand. I was just putting use experience. I may melt it down for the brass when at range but seems to function OK at my bench. One thing I did not mention is when capping the nipple is covered or blind to my eye. I did have to position gun so as to actually see the cap to nipple...
  13. Fallon Kid

    Capper that works

    Just some info about ‘Polish Capper” Just rec’ed today in mail. I can say after initial test I am happy. This capper fits every percussion revolver I own 51, 58, 60, Walker, Dragoon, LeMat. Does not work on my pocket guns but no great surprise. I’m glad to have only one capper that does it all...
  14. Fallon Kid

    Follow up to pre load jitters 12 gage posted on 16 Nov 22

    UPDATE: Just got in fm range firing percussion coach for first time. Golly do I love IT!! My take aways: I used 2.75 drams of 2ff and same amount of 7.5 shot. I loaded per Circle Fly Wad recommendations. 1/ Powder 2/ nitro card 3/ fiber wad (which I cut in half after first round) 4/ shot 5/...
  15. Fallon Kid

    Pre load jitters 12 gage

    Just a heads up: I rec’ed some ¼-28 musket nipples today and replaced the percussion nipples on my coach gun. I popped both barrels and I powder burnt my left wrist when lighting off L barrel. The robust musket caps do send a spark. Maybe it was a good idea I did not think through. Not sure if I...
  16. Fallon Kid

    Pre load jitters 12 gage

    Thanks for info. I think I will measure other barrel after firing 1st barrel. Will do more than once to get warm fuzzy. I shudder at the 'pipe bomb' if the other barrel load shifts. Thanks again
  17. Fallon Kid

    paper patching for Whitworth cylindrical bullet

    Morning. Pursuant to your Whitworth question about paper. I am not expert but have successfully casted and paper patched several hundred. Some of my lessons learned. Paper. I researched Borden and Riley sketch paper 8 lb and been using that. The bullet: Whitworth bullet is different as we know...
  18. Fallon Kid

    Pre load jitters 12 gage

    Just rec’ed a Pedersoli coach 12 gage yesterday and got the pre-load jitters. I have watched many videos and come to conclusion there ain’t no standard method of load. I have Circle Fly Wads and the recommended method of load is 1. powder/ 2. over powder card(1/8” nitro card)/3. fiber wad/...
  19. Fallon Kid

    Finally, the truth

    And they did get Olde Number Nine out or developed as you say but an Italian inventor named Mr. Percussioni Capi came up with a better idea to incorporate into Olde Number Nine. Which brings me to my next gun to ban. I’m thinking maybe the Whitworth rifle needs it’s history clarified.
  20. Fallon Kid

    Finally, the truth

    I do have a help line for anyone getting lost during reading story. Call Sacagawea-555-1000