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  1. stevenjay1

    Model 1860 cavalry Saber???

    Nice repro to play with. Here are pictures of the marking on the two I have. The Rusty one came from a garage sale years ago and the polished one was a parade sword that came from the persidio in San Francisco.
  2. stevenjay1

    New Member from PA now living in Mass

    Good choice…but be sure those Mass politics don’t sneak across the border with you. Welcome from New Hampshire.
  3. stevenjay1

    Hello from ma

    Welcome from your neighbor to the north, NH.
  4. stevenjay1

    Who made this 1858 Remington revolver

    Thanks Hawk54
  5. stevenjay1

    Who made this 1858 Remington revolver

    Thanks Hawkeye2. Pietta made in 1980. Wasn’t sure what the AF mark was but I suspected it was a date mark. It’s in great shape and a smooth action. I’m looking forward to shooting it. The only other cap and ball revolver I’ve had was a replica brass frame 1851 navy my Dad bought me for my...
  6. stevenjay1

    Who made this 1858 Remington revolver

    Just picked up an older 1858 Remington revolver. Very few markings other then the made in Italy, proof marks, for black powder only 44 cal and on the top flat of the barrel it says Navy Arms Co. Ridgefield N.J. Just wondering who made it and the date of manufacture. I’m thinking early 80’s or...
  7. stevenjay1

    New Member from Massachusetts

    Yet another welcome fro New Hampshire.
  8. stevenjay1

    Lucky little buck

    I know the feeling. This one has been taunting me. Second time I’ve seen him this week, just before I turn into my driveway. Muzzleloading season starts on November 2nd and I’ll see neither hide nor hair of him. But I know the general area that hangs out. We’ll see, he is on the menu!
  9. stevenjay1

    Personal Care Lubricant for Muzzleloaders-What do you think?

    I use the same thing I’ve used for the last 60+ years. Water soluble machine oil. 50/50 mix with water. Works great for me. I guess you could add more water but the 50/50 works. And a easy clean up.
  10. stevenjay1

    SOLD Standard maple woodsrunner

    What type of lock do you have on the rifle
  11. stevenjay1

    New member from Nor-Cal

    Welcome from New Hampshire
  12. stevenjay1

    New member from the UK

    Welcome from New Hampshire
  13. stevenjay1

    New Forum member from NH

    Welcome from the Seacoast area.
  14. stevenjay1

    Old Maine Guy

    Welcome from your next door neighbor, New Hampshire.
  15. stevenjay1

    New member from the Pacific North West

    Welcome from NH. You’re off to a slow start but I have no doubt that you’ll catch up. 🤣🤣
  16. stevenjay1

    Hello from NH

    Welcome from southern NH
  17. stevenjay1

    Questions regarding an England and Scotland trip in 2025

    Well, my wife is from Wales and when we visit her family one year we made the same type of trip you are planning and it was great. There was a lot to see and do. Sorry, I can’t help with your shooting question but two of my wife’s cousins were and still are avid fly fisherman. They taught me...
  18. stevenjay1

    Lead could dissolve a marriage

    I guess I’m much better off then most. In our 52 years she has never touched anything on my work or reloading bench. If she does find things on the floor and will say “what the hell is this” rather then tossing it in the garbage. So that is a point in her favor. However, I also do a lot of the...
  19. stevenjay1

    The far left state

    Welcome from the Live Free or Die State. New Hampshire I feel your pain. My wife and I lived in the SF Bay Area for 40 years. We took all we could take and escaped about 7 years ago. We wish we would have left sooner.
  20. stevenjay1

    Grandpa stories

    I was lucky and knew all my grandparents. My paternal grandfather was born around 1875 and my grandmother about 1895. It was prearranged marriage. They were Greek immigrants and never learned English. They settled in Galveston TX about 1911 and opened a restaurant with many other family...