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  1. koauke

    Pedersoli Percussion Kentucky Longrifle .50 - My Experience

    Pedersoli Kentucky percussion was also my first bp rifle. Very accurate rifle. It got me addicted and eventually led me to flintlocks as well. Unfortunately, I haven’t taken it to the range since getting into flintlocks. They are Incredibly fun and it’s kind of nice not having to worry about...
  2. koauke

    WITHDRAWN Rear sight for Zoli 1841 "Mississippi" rifle

    Hard to tell from photos, but photos of the rear sight on Zoli Mississippi rifles look like they may be the same as what’s on my Pedersoli. Might be able to get one from Pedersoli?
  3. koauke

    Another Shot Pouch

    I enjoyed making my first shot pouch so I purchased a double shoulder of 3-4oz vegetable tan leather with intent make more. I wasn't quite happy with my second pouch, but I'll post my third one :)! I saw someone mention the book "The Kentucky Rifle Hunting Pouch" and thought I'd pick one up...
  4. koauke

    Flint and Tool Wallet

    It was an 8.5" x 11" sheet of Tandy tooling leather. I think I picked up from Hobby Lobby several years ago. I'm not sure of the thickness, but its a little thinner than the 3-4oz leather I recently picked up. Used the dark brown Fiebing's dye and neatsfoot oil on it.
  5. koauke

    Flint and Tool Wallet

    Had some fun tonight putting together a flint and tool wallet using the pattern from Jeff Luke on the NMLRA sight. Gave a go with a bone creaser to draw a moon and used a stamp for the stars as I've seen others do.
  6. koauke

    Woodsrunner range day

    Thanks! I pretty much just followed the instructions provided in Jim's woodsrunner videos. I used one coat of iron nitrate and applied heat with a heat gun to "blush", then applied four light coats of permalyn sealer. Looks like permalyn may not be available for some time or at all anymore...
  7. koauke

    Woodsrunner range day

    Thanks, I used Jax Black on all the metal parts and rubbed it back slightly with an ultra fine scotch brite pad.
  8. koauke

    Woodsrunner range day

    Thanks. I disassembled the lock and used the metal sanding kit sold by Kibler which consisted of 220, 320, and 400 grit 3M wet/dry abrasive sheets. After sanding to 400 grit I used very fine and then ultra fine scotch brite pads. On the Frizzen, being so hard, I also used the Bahco second cut...
  9. koauke

    Pedersoli Kentucky Rifle when did they have double set triggers?

    Interesting, didn’t realize they didn’t come with set triggers anymore. I bought mine new from cabelas in 2015 and it has set triggers. Wonder why they stopped using set triggers. Cost savings?
  10. koauke

    .54 Woodsrunner suggestions

    I still need to finish sighting my woodsrunner in for elevation, but it groups really well with 60 grains of Goex fffg, .18 ticking, and a .530 ball. I use moose milk as patch lube. Last time I was out I got it sighted for windage, but forgot my vise to hold it in order to file the front sight...
  11. koauke

    SOLD Kibler Woods Runner Sold

    Perhaps not appropriate in this thread but as a heads up you might want to check the laws in all 50 states and not focus just on CA. Living in CA I have often wondered about the law concerning muzzleloaders here but it seems there are states that do restrict how you ship. Any muzzleloader I...
  12. koauke

    First shot pouch

    Thanks all. I’m debating adding a loop to the strap for my short starter. From what I’ve gathered it wouldn’t be HC for the period, but for practical use it would make things easier.
  13. koauke

    First shot pouch

    Spent some time making my first shot pouch to accompany my woodsrunner. By no means perfect, but I had a lot of fun putting this together. My use of the edge creaser around the flap edge was a bit squirrely, but I have never really done leather work so it was a good first go. I watched the the...
  14. koauke

    Tell me of your cleaning rituals

    I’d be interested in giving this a try, I noticed it says it’s safe on factory bluing. Any experience with browned barrels or cold bluing or Jax black? Just wouldn’t want to damage the barrel finish on my TVM or woodsrunner.
  15. koauke

    Just bought my first flintlock. What do I need to take it out shooting, and what do I need to know to have a safe and enjoyable time.

    There are some good YouTube channels to check out as well that have flintlock info. To name a couple: Duelist1954 ILoveMuzzleloading capandball
  16. koauke

    Woodsrunner range day

    Thanks all. Here's some pics in this evenings sun. Again, apologies, pic heavy.
  17. koauke

    Woodsrunner range day

    Yeah, I know what you mean. I caved after seeing one too many woodsrunner threads. It’s a fun project for sure.
  18. koauke

    Woodsrunner range day

    Apologies, a little pic heavy. I Finished up my woodsrunner yesterday. This was my first time putting together a kit and I certainly picked the right time to do it. I'm sure I don't need to tell you, but Kibler has done a stellar job with this kit. I've seen other kits for sale online and...
  19. koauke

    Woodsrunner almost complete and a question

    I had thought about it, but the surface is smooth and those light scratches aren't really noticeable in person. Plus I'm not going to keep the brass polished, just going to let it age as it decides to. So in the end I don't think they are going to show at all, can always clean it up later if I...
  20. koauke

    Woodsrunner almost complete and a question

    Thanks all. I finished adjusting the fit of the ramrod and put on a coat of permalyn sealer tonight. Just waiting on the paper to sand the machining marks off the lock, but I may just have to take it for a test run before finishing that up!