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  1. HDMM

    1849 Pocket

    Just picked up this beautiful little Uberti 1849 Pocket model. First time owning one of these, I think they did a nice job on this one, the action feels great as well as the fit and finish.....very happy!
  2. HDMM

    Spiller & Burr

    Yes, Dixie Gun Works
  3. HDMM

    Spiller & Burr

    not sure yet, I haven't messed with it much since I just got it.
  4. HDMM

    Spiller & Burr

    I was definitely a little surprised by the size as well. I like it a lot though.
  5. HDMM

    Spiller & Burr

    This one is brand new actually, the sun made it look pretty scratched up for some reason
  6. HDMM

    Another Hello from Florida

    I'm in rural Flagler County
  7. HDMM

    Spiller & Burr

    Just sharing a pic of the Spiller & Burr I picked up yesterday.
  8. HDMM

    American Primeval on Netflix

    Definitely will check this series out, forgot this was coming out....don't watch too much TV.
  9. HDMM

    Hello from FL

    Welcome from North Central Florida
  10. HDMM

    Griswold and Gunnison

    Thank You!
  11. HDMM

    Griswold and Gunnison

    Just sharing a pic of my Griswold and Gunnison, .36 cal by Pietta along with a D-guard Bowie.
  12. HDMM

    1851 Navy

    Thank You
  13. HDMM

    1851 Navy

    Just sharing a pic of the Pietta 1851 Navy .36 cal I recently picked up. They really seem to have upped their game on fit and finish.
  14. HDMM

    Colt Model 1860 Army Revolver - nipples needed

    I was always under the impression that the repros used metric threads? Might want to shoot slixsprings a email, they offer a few different ones.
  15. HDMM

    How is this Schuetzen FFFg Powder?

    Thank you for all the replies! Hopefully I'll have some time to give this stuff a try over the weekend. The explosion at the Goex plant rings a bell now. The salesman at the GS said they were going out of business, hopefully that's not the case. The shop did have other Goex powder, just not the...
  16. HDMM

    How is this Schuetzen FFFg Powder?

    I've honestly never used anything but Goex over the years, never even tried any BP substitutes, was almost going to order some Hodgden 777, but before I did I called a old Gunshop I used to work at to see if they still carried powder and they did. Although they were out of the Goex FFFg, they...
  17. HDMM

    Jacksonville FL

    Did you end up moving down here? I'm not sure what's near Jax other than a FWC public range in Osceola. There was a decent range in St. Augustine but it's closed.
  18. HDMM

    Pietta 1860 Army

    My very first percussion revolver back in the early 90's was actually a 1851 Navy, steel frame but .44 cal (didn't know any better, that it should be .36cal back then). Got that one through Cabella's mail order catalog, not even sure what brand it was...maybe pietta not sure. On that one, after...
  19. HDMM

    Pietta 1860 Army

    This is one of my cap & ball revolvers, it's a older Pietta 1860 Army. Although it's nothing super special, it has a little wear and tear here and there, but it has sentimental to me as it belonged to one of my best friends. Took it out a few days ago and fired it a bit, the 1860 Army has...
  20. HDMM

    Another Hello from Florida

    Just saying hello, new to the forum but not new to Black Powder. I've never done any muzzle loading (rifles), just cap & ball revolvers. Got my first one back around 1991.