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Muzzleloading Forum

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  1. Thekingd93

    FOR SALE T.C Hawken .50 cal

    it's a sweet shooting rifle. I am thinning out the collection a LITTLE bit.
  2. Thekingd93

    FOR SALE T.C Hawken .50 cal

    Thompson Center Hawken .50 cal percussion rifle for sale. 1:48 twist barrel. Very good condition with a very nice clean bore and good rifling. No frosting or corrosion at all. very clean gun. I will take PayPal or USPS money order $500 buyer pays shipping. Location is in central Maine. local...
  3. Thekingd93

    T.C Hawken .50 cal with Green Mtn Barrel

    I hadn't shot any muzzleloaders in quite some time until yesterday. I have a .50 Cal Hawken rifle with a 32 inch Green Mountain barrel 1:70 twist. I shot a 5 shot group out to 100 yards from the bench and I think I did alright. The winds were very light but the sun happened to be shining right...
  4. Thekingd93

    Muzzleloading reloading idea

    I found some copper tubes with red caps that should work well for reloading from a bag or while hunting. A pre measured powder charge of 70 grains Swiss 3F is poured into the tube followed by a 250 grain Lee R.E.A.L bullet with an over powder felt wad glued to the bottom of the bullet. The...
  5. Thekingd93

    Traditions Trapper

    Shot the trapper pistol today and was very happy with my groups at 20 yards. I shot a 4 shot group with it bench rested and the first 2 shots were touching each other. I then shot off hand 7 times with an acceptable grouping. I was using small 6 inch paper plates as targets. 25 grains of Swiss...
  6. Thekingd93

    Price on a Navy Arms Buffalo Hunter .58

    I have two thompson center hawken rifles one with a 32 inch green mountain barrel. I shoot competition on occasion at local shoots
  7. Thekingd93

    Price on a Navy Arms Buffalo Hunter .58

    I've had my eye on a Buffalo Hunter .58 caliber rifle that is listed on gun broker. I like how it has a short barrel held on with a wedge pin similar to my Hawken rifles allowing the barrel to be easily taken off the stock for cleaning. I much prefer the looks of this Buffalo Hunter rifle over...
  8. Thekingd93

    Navy arms Buffalo hunter .58 carbine accurate

    I thought the Zouave style rifles were considered to be rifled muskets or a musket with shallow rifing for easy loading? Civil War era type military rifles and reproductions.
  9. Thekingd93

    Maine State Woods Walk Championship 2022

    I don't have a flintlock so would all 10 shots be with my cap lock Hawken or just 5 shots? I've got the Tomahawk Throwing down pretty good I've been practicing that.
  10. Thekingd93

    Navy arms Buffalo hunter .58 carbine accurate

    You think my Thompson Center Hawken with a 32 inch green mountain barrel is more accurate than a .58 cal rifled musket? I've never shot one of those .58 cal rifles before
  11. Thekingd93

    Traditions Fox River Fifty

    We took it to the range and my girlfriend shoots it quite well at 25 yards. I have 2 pound of pyrodex that I never use so I gave her that and put together a shooting box with accounterments. I was shooting my new green mountain barrel on my Thompson Center at the some time getting her...
  12. Thekingd93

    Navy arms Buffalo hunter .58 carbine accurate

    Considering getting a navy arms Buffalo hunter .58 with a 26 inch barrel. I'm not all that familiar with civil war replica rifled muskets but comparing it to my Thompson Center Hawken rifle what kind of accuracy can I expect with that barrel length shooting .58 cal round ball or mini balls? I...
  13. Thekingd93

    Barrel Rebore

    Thanks for the info. Always am learning as much as possible
  14. Thekingd93

    Traditions Fox River Fifty

    I found a used Traditions Fox River .50 cal percussion muzzleloader, single trigger 1:48 twist barrel. Very short small little rifle but looked practically unfired. Rifling was nice and sharp no pitting. Perfect little gun for my girlfriend she's small figured and my full size Thompson Center...
  15. Thekingd93

    Green mountain barrel made before 1993

    Interesting. When I get the chance to shoot my GM barrel I'll have to determine if using the scotch bright pad is needed. Since it's unfired I'm sure it will be loading pretty tight. Hopefully that barrel will last me a lifetime once I get it broken in.
  16. Thekingd93

    Green mountain barrel made before 1993

    I have a .50 caliber green mountain barrel that's unfired. I called the company and gave them the serial number to confirm what the twist rate is and they said it was made before 1993 and it's most likely 1:70 twist. I used to have a Renegade with 1:66 twist and it shot round ball very well so...
  17. Thekingd93

    NMLRA Postal match

    Deadline is August 31st to mail the targets unlimited amount of time to shoot them I believe. Could take 2 days to do it if you want.
  18. Thekingd93

    NMLRA Postal match

    Well this post didn't get a whole lot of replies....I swear I didn't smoke my breakfast. Usually members chime right in.
  19. Thekingd93

    NMLRA Postal match

    I registered for the NMLRA postal match and the targets consist of Crow 25 yards, deer 50 yards, fox 50 yards and a bear 100 yards. 5 shots per target off hand. I'm very comfortable shooting at 25-50 yards off hand all day long. I shot 45 points out of 50 on a 50 yard off hand target at a local...
  20. Thekingd93

    .50 vs .54 accuracy

    I'll double check the twist rate. If it is 1:72 it should do mighty fine with roundball