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  1. N

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    Use a temperature laser pointer Lead melts at 621+- Zinc melts at 787+- Soft lead has impurities melted out “ie” zinc and anything above the melting point of lead.
  2. N

    PA Game Commission to Ruin Flintlock Season?

    In the great state of Michigan you now can use whatever legal rifle you like in the lower peninsula during muzzle loader season. The upper where I’m at it is only muzzle loaders.
  3. N

    Michigan Muzzleloader season any weapon goes.

    I we have great wardens it’s the people in the offices making poor decisions.
  4. N

    Michigan Muzzleloader season any weapon goes.

    We can now hunt antlerless deer for 93 days. I think your allowed 20 does if you pay the $5 license per doe fee
  5. N

    Michigan Muzzleloader season any weapon goes.

    Only straight wall casing. Maybe 45-100 black powder load. The DNR is pretty useless these days. Mi combined the DNR with I think the environmental services department. My thought is so they can siphon funds from the licenses and the trust fund for royalties due the DNR from oil and gas wells.
  6. N

    Buck vs Doe

    In lower Michigan you can shoot up to I believe 20 does. The muzzleloader season you can now use a rifle as well as a muzzleloader. I spend 5 months trapping and I don’t see the deer that the DNR says we have. Maybe in the farmland. Yet they don’t let the people that hunt in the lower use bait...
  7. N

    Raw wool instead of flax tow

    Almost all trapping supply companies sell it
  8. N

    Bear down!

    great job. I’m leaving for my camp Monday using a 62 NWT I built
  9. N

    duelist1954 (Mlke Belivue) has been in YouTube Jail

    Bill thank you for your great videos. I now watch yours on Rumble and wish others would follow your lead.
  10. N

    Hello from Michigan

    Welcome from N Mi
  11. N

    tick treatment

    Spray your clothing and let dry for a couple hrs. It last for about 20 days with one spray.
  12. N

    Choosing a blank for my Woodsrunner kit

    This is the bug that lays the borer worm here in Mich. I had the same problem. It didn’t look bad until I started removing wood. It just went everywhere.
  13. N

    Gunstock Blanks

    I have my customers coat the ends with Anchor Seal. It slows the possibility of end check. If it’s a log it will lose moisture at the same rate as the bark does. It doesn’t block the ends from losing moisture. If you take it to a reputable kiln they will let it air dry for a while to get all...
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    Bacon Grease

    We use the xtra for bear bait
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    Muzzleloader Magazine Nov/Dec

    I received my Nov before October then received my Dec then received my October the very next day
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    New from SW Michigan

    Welcome from NW Michigan
  17. N

    New Guy from MI

    Welcome from NW Michigan
  18. N

    Hello from SE Michigan

    Welcome from NW Michigan
  19. N


    In Michigan during the firearm deer season I believe you are only allowed to ride to your blind or to recover your game. To and From. If you’re caught riding around it’s a hunter harassment offense. I think it’s up to or is $500 fine.
  20. N

    What Muzzleloading Stuff Did You Do Today?

    That is looking beautiful.