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Muzzleloading Forum

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  1. Tanglefoot

    How many years Muzzleloading experience?

    63 years— so far.
  2. Tanglefoot

    What size Dutch oven or potjie to be the only cast iron in a solo camp?

    If you’re going to pack cast iron, the 3 quart is plenty big for one. I had one and used it for 20+ years, but for packing on your back I recommend a tin or copper pot. A quart tin cup and a spoon works if you haul a coffee pail too. Cast iron is fine for cooking but only if you’re packing it...
  3. Tanglefoot

    54 Cal buffalo hunt accuracy issues

    Ike, I killed a young buffalo bull a few years ago that was causing a lot of trouble for a rancher, destroying fences and pestering the purebred cows. It seems the rancher got him as a calf and when the calf got grown there weren’t any buffalo cows available. Anyway, I shot him with a Leman...
  4. Tanglefoot


    Welcome from another South Texan.
  5. Tanglefoot

    Weird Things

    I was hunting in Florida, in the Alafia River area, using my trusty .50 caliber GRRW Leman Indian Trade Rifle, named Lucy . I was still-hunting, moving slowly and carefully, stopping frequently and scanning the area around me. There was a lot of undergrowth and palmetto scrub but pretty good...
  6. Tanglefoot

    Still reading print media?

    I miss the Buckskin Report, but miss ol’ Dinglehoofer even more. He was a friend. So was the Poltroon and a bunch of others. Still get ML Not MB.
  7. Tanglefoot

    I think I know the model of this cap & ball replica, but not the manufacturer.

    Call DGW, give them the make and model and ask them about the missing piece. They have a lot of original parts and are very helpful.
  8. Tanglefoot

    Any tips for polishing the inside edges on a horn carve ?

    Abrasive cord. Amazon. Different grits, just like sandpaper.
  9. Tanglefoot

    Trade gun for grizzlies

    While you're making up your mind, consider this: A Trade Gun is basically a single-shot shotgun, either 20 gauge or 12 gauge, which will require more time to reload than you're gonna have, even presuming you haven't dropped it. Bears up close have a tendency to disturb your focus. We had...
  10. Tanglefoot

    Good Man Gone

    It saddens me to be the one to tell the forum that Bruce Hering, aka: Huntschool, passed away on September 24th. Bruce was a good friend and a fine craftsman as well as `a buckskinner, a Hiverano of the AMM, an educator and a life-long supporter of the shooting sports. He is sorely missed.
  11. Tanglefoot


    Welcome from South Texas.
  12. Tanglefoot

    Musket Caps?

    Midsouth Shooters Supply has CCI #10 and @11 caps instock for $119 per thousand, y’all.
  13. Tanglefoot

    Crazy Crow knife

    The blade shape you're referring to is the standard butcher knife shape. It was one of the most common in the Fur Trade and traded to the mountain men and Indians in large numbers. There are multiple examples in the Museum Of The Fur Trade.
  14. Tanglefoot

    Hudson bay Blankets

    Many things were made from blankets or blanket material. My capote was made from one, ditto a rifle case, a sash to belt the capote, A sleeveless long vest/weskit for days that are cool but not cold enough for a capote, leggins, mittens for really cold weather, even a scarf.
  15. Tanglefoot

    Anyone else's gun like a very tight load ?

    Back when the world was young and I started out in muzzleloading, I was told that in a good barrel a tight patch/ball combination with the powder charge that barrel “liked” gave the best accuracy. I found that to be true then. Still is, unless I missed something. Works for me anyway.
  16. Tanglefoot

    Colt 1851 Navy—120 yards?

    Just a comment for Smokerr and Tenngun and then I’m gonna step off this merry-go-round. Most of us have made our share of difficult shots over the years, some of them the stuff of tall tales, yet they happened. We know they can, at least once. Some of us know that getting hit by ANY bullet at...
  17. Tanglefoot

    Colt 1851 Navy—120 yards?

    Shooting from 120 yards with a .36 Navy, the ball will hit with the approximate force of a thrown pebble of the same size, on a high trajectory. Hopalong Cassidy used to regularly shoot the gun out of a bad guy's hand, shooting from the hip from the back of a running horse too, but only in the...
  18. Tanglefoot

    Hello from Texas

    Sorry .... I had to go look up Lonnie's contact info. It's been a while and I've been out of touch. Here goes: Lonnie Ammann 9914 Jackrabbit Ln Bryan, TX 77808
  19. Tanglefoot

    Hello from Texas

    Welcome from the Hill Country. You might want to look up the Texas Association of Buckskinners and see who's active in your area. They'll get you up to speed. Lonnie Ammann used to be very active with the TAB but he's working with Cimmaron now. He probably still knows everybody who's active...