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  1. MAC1967

    Rough barn gun

    The worm marks in the wood are actually neat and perfect for a barn gun. . . I think you'll have a nice looking smoothbore when you're done.
  2. MAC1967

    TRU-OIL problem

    I can't recall where I bought the can I have . . .Cabella's perhaps. I only see the bottle at Walmart and other places. I am sure you could find a spray can online. Another option, though it may be too late, is a spray finish like a satin polyurethane which you can find easily as Loews...
  3. MAC1967

    TRU-OIL problem

    While I've used the bottle many times. . . I kind of prefer True Oil in a spray can because it seems to go on thinner. It's hard to be patient in this last and fun stage. . . letting it fully dry is key. I usually don't do more than two coats. . . and I cut them both back with a scotch pad...
  4. MAC1967

    load question

    4F is not optimal for a 45 caliber. It is a flint pan priming powder. Almost no one uses 4F for a load, though I know some have played with it for small calibers of .32 or under. You want 3F black powder or the Pyrodex or Tripple 7 . . . real Goex, Swiss or Shuetzen. However, black powder...
  5. MAC1967

    Stock inletting questions for a bozo who's never done it

    My two cents. Go to Walmart and buy two or three of the cheapest table-type 10-inch candles you can find. Clean the lock area well. You'll use the candles to smoke the new lock with soot. Fit the lock and remove it. This will mark the areas on the stock that need to be chiseled ever so...
  6. MAC1967

    Chambers IH finished.

    I've had a Chamber left hand Isaac Haines in mind as a smooth rifle for a while now if I build another and have the $. I've built a Chambers PA fowler and love his kits.
  7. MAC1967

    Lets discuss small bore guns

    I had a Crockett and was disappointed in it. Part of it was me. It was my first ML rifle and I have learned a lot since then.. .but I could never get it to group well no matter what combos I tried. (I sent it back to the factory and their group was worse than mine, but that's another story.)...
  8. MAC1967

    My 3rd Build

    Worked on my 3rd rifle build a little last night. This has been a slow project over several years working with a coach once or twice a month. It is my first build from a blank and it's got a ways to go, but it is shaping up as I learn slowly and steadily. My first build was a TVM late...
  9. MAC1967

    Aqua Fortis

    Opps I double posted. Just erased not knowing how to delete.
  10. MAC1967

    Aqua Fortis

    I've bought Feibings off of Ebay before.
  11. MAC1967

    Aqua Fortis

    Thank you RonaldRoth . . . I have kind of a love-hate relationship with that pistol, the more I look at it sometmes, the less I like it . . . but then I try to remember what it looked like when it was given to me, and say it is much better than it was. It is hard unless you are a good...
  12. MAC1967

    Aqua Fortis

    I recently reworked a Jukar with a beech stock. I used Feibing's Leather Dye . . .Chocolate or dark brown I think. It worked very well. I tried to faux stripe it, but didn't do as nice of a job as the one pictured above with painted stripes. Instead, I wrapped it in wire and burnt it with...
  13. MAC1967

    .32 caliber frustrations with not grouping.

    What kind of lube did you go from and to? I am always open to learning and often wrong. Just curious. I have a tin can of a lube I bought from Flintlocks Inc and it is kind of pink. It seems really nice, but I've not used it. I had a .32 Crockett I could not get to shoot well, in spite of...
  14. MAC1967

    .32 caliber frustrations with not grouping.

    30 grains of Swiss would probably about match my 34 grains of Goex. I'd like to switch to Swiss or play around with it someday but I've got a lot of Goex. I do have a can of Schuetzen I have not opened.
  15. MAC1967

    .32 caliber frustrations with not grouping.

    I agree with this. I'll even poke the bear a little more . . . I think the least important factor in the load is patch lube. I've tried different patch lubes once I got the powder, ball, and patch thickness set . . and they didn't make much difference in accuracy in my .32, 50, or smoothbore...
  16. MAC1967

    .32 caliber frustrations with not grouping.

    I may get some pushback from this post because it goes against the experience of most .32 shooters. . . I have a TVM Late Lancaster flint that I built with a large Siler lock and a 42 Rice barrel w 1/48 twist. I started with about 20-25 grains of 3f when working up a load and a .15 patch w 310...
  17. MAC1967

    Barrel maker ID & builder info?

    Although it didn't stamp fully that cursive R after the AP means it is a rice barrel and they are excellent barrels.
  18. MAC1967

    Removing breech plug from W C Scott double shotgun

    This may be a dumb idea, but it's an easy one to try . . . if you remove the nipple, is it possible to then put some type of rod in the hole and jar the worm lose? I am assuming the worm is stuck close to the breech.
  19. MAC1967

    Bedford kit?

    I think only Pecatonica would have a bedford style, though you might check track of the wolf. . .some say Pecatonica does their kits, but I don't know if that is true. Just my two cents as a newbie building my third rifle.
  20. MAC1967

    Engraver for a patchbox?

    I don't know where you are located or how long you want to wait, but at the NMLRA shoot in Friendship, IN there is often an engraver on vender row, or in the build area behind the Log Cabin gun showroom. I had them do two side plates at different times and it didn't cost much. Perhaps a good...