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  1. Griz 54

    New Toy! My First Flintlock!

    If you want to re crown , you can get a ball file on ebay ND use it in a brace. Little to no pressure a turn slow
  2. Griz 54

    Flint preference

    I would like to add that the extra weight of the lead has a tendency to break frizzens
  3. Griz 54

    Sight Tricks.. whats yours

    I agree with you rbreave. Fiber optics worked for me.
  4. Griz 54

    2024/2025 Squirrel Hunting Thread...........

    Praying for you too Ed.
  5. Griz 54

    cutting and crowning a barrel

    I would do as Krisco Kid suggested and cone the barrell with a Joe Wood coning toll and recrown.
  6. Griz 54

    Larger Flash Hole

    It would seem to me, that if you were cleaning between shots, there would be a good chance of pushing fouling into the touch hole.
  7. Griz 54

    Two feathers in the hospital

    Glad to hear your going home you always heal quicker there
  8. Griz 54

    Gardening ..again

    Yesterday my wife spent 3 hours harvesting our squash. Today we spent 4 hours preping them for storage. She uses a 5 gal bucket of warm water with a little bleach to wash them. Then another bucket to rinse them .then I set them a a small flat trailer to dry. They are left there for about 2...
  9. Griz 54

    How long does 1’000 caps last for an average shooter

    For the years I was shooting competit Sorry if this is half a repete. When I shot competitively and was shooting percussion guns I went through 1100 to 1200 a year. Boy I miss those dsys.
  10. Griz 54

    Who among us are PIPE smokers?

    I smoked a pipe for about 15 years. One morning when I lit up, I got ready dizy, almost hit the floor. New someone was trying tell me something. That was in 1985, my last smoke. I inhaled all the time
  11. Griz 54

    2024/2025 Squirrel Hunting Thread...........

    Reading this made me want to say, I'm 80 and was having problems seeing my sights. Last winter I decided to try fiber optics. I'm back in the game. Not HC but they work.
  12. Griz 54

    Which is historically correct, precut patches or cut at muzzle?

    When did they start calling it a patch box
  13. Griz 54

    Ignition Woes

    Try ccI magnum caps
  14. Griz 54

    Ignition Woes

  15. Griz 54

    toe plate screws

    Muzzleloader builders supply
  16. Griz 54

    How old are ya?

    80 and counting
  17. Griz 54

    How old are ya?
