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      mtsage reacted to Sniperdoc's post in the thread Powder horn ? with Like Like.
      Here's a note to everyone, from experience! Women don't appreciate the smell of horn/antler/bone dust, so be sure to do the work...
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      mtsage reacted to 1971fx's post in the thread Powder horn ? with Like Like.
      Same here just no one around to shoot with as you get older
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      mtsage reacted to Sniperdoc's post in the thread Powder horn ? with Like Like.
      Definitely works, but be sure to always wear a mask, or a respirator if you have one!
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      mtsage reacted to PathfinderNC's post in the thread Powder horn ? with Like Like.
      When I use a hugely thick horn like what you have, I actually use a belt sander to remove a whole lot of the horn. It’s nasty and messy...
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      mtsage replied to the thread Powder horn ?.
      You know, I have been wanting a belt sander, and maybe you just gave me the incentive to buy one. Thanks for the input. Wow, lots of...
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      mtsage reacted to Rebel bull's post in the thread Powder horn ? with Like Like.
      I don't know about anybody else but I told myself "when I retire I'll have time" been retired 10 years and I shoot less now then ever...
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      mtsage reacted to Absoroka's post in the thread Powder horn ? with Like Like.
      If you need to fill your day, you might try buffalo horns next.
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      mtsage reacted to oldwood's post in the thread Powder horn ? with Like Like.
      Powder horns are pure fun to make. I'm a total amature , but I've looked at many old originals , and one day just decided that , "I...
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      mtsage reacted to S.Kenton's post in the thread Powder horn ? with Like Like.
      The first two pictures are examples of the process I described to you. I put two screws in that base, if you look hard you can see one...
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      mtsage reacted to Moleman's post in the thread Powder horn ? with Like Like.
      I've made several thick walled horns and rather than fight getting them perfectly round I just make a plug to fit the horn. Call me lazy...
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      mtsage replied to the thread Powder horn ?.
      LIke I said in the original post, just a fun little project with no expectations.. With only a couple of horns under my belt, all seem...
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      mtsage replied to the thread Powder horn ?.
      Retired and snow on the ground, hunting season over. I'm not on a schedule for sure.
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      mtsage reacted to Eutycus's post in the thread Powder horn ? with Haha Haha.
      I'm not seeing a problem. It shouldn't take woodworking genius to either make a plug or thin that horn. As far as time consuming, who's...
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      mtsage reacted to Trev's post in the thread Powder horn ? with Like Like.
      That's just what I would do.
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      mtsage reacted to Drakos's post in the thread Powder horn ? with Like Like.
      Use a draw knife followed by a rasp then sand smooth to re-profile the entire horn. Remember to draw from the base to the tip, following...
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