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    • MAC1967
      MAC1967 replied to the thread Rough barn gun.
      The worm marks in the wood are actually neat and perfect for a barn gun. . . I think you'll have a nice looking smoothbore when you're done.
    • MAC1967
      MAC1967 replied to the thread TRU-OIL problem.
      I can't recall where I bought the can I have . . .Cabella's perhaps. I only see the bottle at Walmart and other places. I am sure you...
    • MAC1967
      My BIL is a cabnet maker. He told me that for dents that do not tear the wood, to just dab on some water and let it alone for a bit...
    • MAC1967
      MAC1967 replied to the thread TRU-OIL problem.
      While I've used the bottle many times. . . I kind of prefer True Oil in a spray can because it seems to go on thinner. It's hard to be...
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