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    • cjgregory
      cjgregory reacted to Richard$58's post in the thread Coal oil pre kerosene with Like Like.
      I had a girlfriend from Guyana who told me how she and all local kids got worms. Dad gave a spoon of kerosene causing violent diarreah...
    • cjgregory
      cjgregory reacted to Tumbledown's post in the thread Coal oil pre kerosene with Like Like.
      Yes. It was originally from oil shale, which was considered a variation of coal.
    • cjgregory
      cjgregory replied to the thread Coal oil pre kerosene.
      As linseed oil is actually flax seed. Don’t they make flax seed oil now? You could cut it with alcohol maybe and get it to penetrate...
    • cjgregory
      cjgregory replied to the thread Coal oil pre kerosene.
      Not me. It’s a finish, not a penetrator. Which is why they used coal oil. Axes, tool handles, and yes even ramrods. If it works for...
    • cjgregory
      cjgregory replied to the thread Coal oil pre kerosene.
      Straight from crude oil. Kerosene comes as “straight run” on a refinery. I don’t even think it makes it to the reformer. It would come...
    • cjgregory
      cjgregory reacted to Whitworth's post in the thread Coal oil pre kerosene with Like Like.
      Dad was an old farm boy, he said they used coal oil to shine up a horse's behind for showing farm and fire horses. He'd see a horse and...
    • cjgregory
      cjgregory reacted to Tumbledown's post in the thread Coal oil pre kerosene with Like Like.
      Coal oil and modern kerosene are essentially the same.
    • cjgregory
      cjgregory reacted to Trev's post in the thread Coal oil pre kerosene with Haha Haha.
      Scents sold in Cabelas and other such places are meant to attract money not critters. Fact is the critters can't read the advertisements...
    • cjgregory
      cjgregory reacted to Trev's post in the thread Coal oil pre kerosene with Like Like.
      I'm sure the deer and other creatures can smell Kerosene (which my parents and all their generation called Coal Oil) and it's close kin...
    • cjgregory
      cjgregory reacted to longcruise's post in the thread Coal oil pre kerosene with Haha Haha.
      Well, if keeping flints in water is a good thing, then I'm gonna try it with caps!
    • cjgregory
      cjgregory replied to the thread Coal oil pre kerosene.
      Hahaha. So what do you use on your ramrod? Or do you use a range rod? Please educate me. My post was just an interesting post. That’s...
    • cjgregory
      cjgregory reacted to Steve Wagner's post in the thread Coal oil pre kerosene with Like Like.
      Well cj, I admire your forbearance and appreciate the discussion. This is what can happen on the forum when the full moon comes into...
    • cjgregory
      cjgregory replied to the thread Coal oil pre kerosene.
      Yep. I worked the shale oil project in Parachute, Colorado early in my career. Union oil never really got the Retort to work correctly.
    • cjgregory
      cjgregory reacted to Tumbledown's post in the thread Coal oil pre kerosene with Like Like.
      Actually, it is. Coal oil was marketed under the brand name of Kerosene before it was ever made from petroleum. But here's the kicker...
    • cjgregory
      cjgregory replied to the thread Coal oil pre kerosene.
      Really? Oh for crying out loud. I won’t do it again. Thanks for the heads up Steve. I like discussions about our common interests...
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