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Dixon's Gunmaker's Fair

Muzzleloading Forum

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Nov 26, 2005
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Hi Folks,
Dixon's Fair will be at their site in Kempton. PA during July 27-29. All the best vendors and makers will be there plus the Fair and ALR demo tent will have a lot of instructional stuff going on. If you want to mingle with the best builders, I suggest you try to attend. You will learn a lot.

Hi folks,
The seminar and demo tent schedule is now posted on Dixon's Gunmakers Fair web site. There will be a lot of new demos this year so if you can get away to the fair in Kempton, PA on July 27,28,and 29, you won't be disappointed. I'll be at the demo and seminar tent all 3 days so I look forward seeing and meeting you.

I’m looking forward to being at the “ family reunion” at the gunmakers fair, all three days. After 20 plus years of attending I still love being down there, and always learn something.BJH